Winter sermon 2014

Winter sermon 2014

“There was a time… a simple time when all of mankind rejoiced and embraced their instincts… their urges… their primal nature… this was how our lives was meant to be… until that future was stolen from us…”

“Come back with me to that time… a time when we had no… artificial constraints on us… a time when we roamed free and naked to the world, exploring ourselves and each other.  It was the one time where all of mankind was truly happy… at peace… in perpetual bliss.”

“ The strong took from all around them as they saw fit… they took what they wanted… what they desired… and the weak… knew their place… and accepted it with joy in their hearts…”

“This is how it was meant to be… truly free to be the person our soul where made to be… free liberated… “

“This all changed… as you can surely see…”

“One day a serpent entered this garden of pleasures… this magical place..”

“ It sought out the weakest amongst them and whispered into their ear.    It told them that they were living  a lie… it told the weak of this new thing… that is called.. sin… over time it explained and taught the weak that what they did  was wrong… that it was evil….. and in time the weakest amongst them believed it…”

“This Lie spread.. it infected the garden.. others saw it as a way to control the weak… some fought it… but the weak bent too it too well and those that fought against The Lie… lost in the end…”

“The fighting destroyed the beautiful garden… the Lie caused the first war that man ever saw…It shattered the Peace it destroyed the unity of the all…”

“And left those who refused to bend to the Lie as outcasts… and criminals…”

“This Lie and the what  followed… Man’s first war… destroyed everything that Man had achieved to that point… it was all put to ash… all burnt and destroyed… there was nothing left for the victors or the displaced…. “

“those that followed the Lie, now greatly outnumbered those that held the truth in their  hearts… they went to rebuild what was lost, but the God’s were not there for them… embroiled in their own war…. But attempted with oput them… to rebuild what was lost… to rekindle and reforge man’s world… the created something new out of that ash… civilization… but it was warped at its foundation… churches and places and gutters all built upon the Lie… structures and Laws made to support and enforce the Lie… the first cities as we know them now… the first governments… and the first churches and religions… all came from the Lie… as have all those that have been made in their image hence… all built upon the Lie…”

As the Lier’s Get rebuilt the world in the image and ways of their new God, there was a war in heaven… one that reflected the ongoing War below…  the Liar was just one of many Gods before the fall… they counts as many as the stars i the sky… all gave gifts to Man in the early days… art…  music… writing… love… all gifts to enrich their lives… the Lier’s gift… if you want to call it that… was the Lie….  the other Elohim did not like his gift… most did not… some saw the power he was getting from Man as the Lie spread through them, and betrayed their brethren… and so they went to war… fueled by Man the side of the Lie, though outnumbered at first… had more power… they attacked killed and cannibalized their brothers   growing more powerful… those that did not submit  to the Lier had to adapt… they were forced to teach Man how to worship them as Man was worshiping the Liar and his followers… and consume their Brothers that they were able to slay…  the Gods war raged on… and it still does to this day..”

“While the Fools rebuilt society, though that held true to the Truth, wandered the lands.  Scattered to the winds they roamed.”

“Some eventual slipped back into the cities built by the Fools, hiding amongst them, these people laid the foundation for groups that we now call, La costrinostra, the yakuza, Tong, and Triads.  subverting the society of Fools from within.  Others forged nations of their own.  People that the Fools called barbarians, the Mongols, the Visigoths, and Norse.”

“While others continued to wander the world… never settling down drifting to thisday… the Romany… Gypsies…”

“It was in these early days that those that held the truth in their hearts, were sought out by the Elohim that leads, to this day,  those that stand against the Lier…”

“this last Elohim… a true God,   protects his followers from the lie… he works in  the shadows spread across the world… subverting the Fools constructs where he can to carve out places for his knowing and unknowing followers to dwell and prosper… places where the Truth is strong, and the Lie is weak…”

.”Look around you… see where the city you call home… it is clear that this place has been touch by This God… the last of the Elohim… “

A city rife with what the Fools would call corruption, and decadence… a city where a rubber clad slut crawling down the street on her hands and knees would barely turn a head… a city where to police are powerless to stop or even impact the drugs… the violence… and the slaving… a city where the strong rule the streets, a city that one day will stand to be on the same level of purity as both Sodom and Gomorrah…”

“..but the fight is not won yet… you all must lend your hand to the cause… to abolish the status quo… to release the Sheep from Morality… join Belal and his servants… join us to awaken all in this city to the Truth….  “

“the Truth that there is no right… there is no wrong… only Pleasure and Pain… there is no good… there is no evil… only Master and servant…”

Tags: AB

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