lawdog1975 resident

active 9 years, 9 months ago
  • 9 years, 9 months ago

    Vance Clayton

    Hi gang. I’ve been away for a while but I wanted to poke my head back in here to throw my support behind Eve. As she said, she worked with us before on an alt so she already has experience in what makes the Daily tick. Writing for the paper was a big part of my life in DE and I can tell you first hand that a strong, focused and dedicated editor…[Read more]

  • 10 years, 4 months ago

    Vance Clayton

    All sounds good to me and I like the ideas to get more rp to the hospital with more staff and promotions and stuff. It really does make sense to have the asylum and hospital together as one thing. Most likely assume they are really.Also like the emphasis on talking to staff, seeing how they wanna play and encouraging them to follow that path..…[Read more]

  • 10 years, 4 months ago

    Vance Clayton

    I like the promise of conflict through the restaurant which is always something that attracts rp. Also like the exotic food dishes for those who like to live on the edge. You could literally flip a coin and say, this one was done well and this one.. you might wanna see a doctor here soon. Sounds fun and exciting to me. Best of luck.

  • 10 years, 4 months ago

    Vance Clayton

    replied to the topic [BUSINESS] Headshop in the forum Group Proposals 10 years, 4 months ago

    Some good ideas in here with the raffles and intent to collaborate with other businesses. When I worked at the RH, we had a deal with the headshop then providing pot brownies for sale there. Just an idea to think about looking into. I’m not sure though about the cell phone and computer fixing aspect as it seems a bit of an off shoot and there…[Read more]

  • 10 years, 6 months ago

    Vance Clayton

    replied to the topic thank you. in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 6 months ago

    Agreeing with everyone on here. The admins work really hard and sacrifice a lot of their personal time for the sim and have done an excellent job making DE the fun, exciting place it is. The praise is hard earned and well deserved.

  • 10 years, 7 months ago

    Vance Clayton

    replied to the topic Police Report 101 in the forum Police 10 years, 7 months ago

    I don’t know the space requirements of the reports as I’m not part of the DEPD but as someone who receives plenty of these reports for articles in the Daily, the more info on them, the easier it is for me to write about what happened, get people exposure and so on as Kay described above. We too spend a lot of time reading rp and trying to figure…[Read more]

  • 10 years, 8 months ago

    Vance Clayton

    I was fortunate when I was new to meet someone early on who was very patient and kind and took the time to explain this whole SL & RP thing to me. Over time, I grew more and more confident and started to rp on my own. Without that initial kind and gentle touch, I might not have lasted for very long. It’s that same approach I try to use when I…[Read more]

  • 10 years, 9 months ago

    Vance Clayton

    Now that you mentioned free crepes, I’m on board. Really all that was lacking cause this is a great addition to a well done existing business. Giving people a spot to hang out with some good food and a top not businesseswoman and rper sounds like a great add to the RLD, especially now that there’s crepes.

  • 10 years, 10 months ago

    Vance Clayton

    Vance Clayton Posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Little note on the Daily mention, preferably there’s no nose wriggling at anything we write. We do work hard at these and part of the point of it is to help people get involved in rp. To let you know what sort of place the Dark Room is, etc so if that’s what you’re looking for, you know where to find that sort of rp. Also, if you are involved…[Read more]

  • 10 years, 11 months ago

    Vance Clayton

    We conduct interviews all the time. That is exactly what we do though they are not always presented in the question and answer format as I think you’re suggesting. However, interviews are IC whether they be via phone or in person, they are always ic. Anything not ic is noted as such. Interviews of new business owners, for example, cover their…[Read more]

  • 10 years, 11 months ago

    Vance Clayton

    We do our best to immerse ourselves in this world but no ones perfect so we just need to do our best to help each other out. Everyone wants to have a good time and enjoy the scene, plot, story, what have you. As in all walks of life, courtesy and politeness go a long way. I know as someone who started out very shaky in their early beginnings of…[Read more]

  • 11 years, 8 months ago

    Vance Clayton

    Adding my own two cents here. I think the meteor plot did a lot of good to spread rp around and help people explore new places, meet new people, build new storylines, etc. And I personally find it lots of fun to be involved in those kinds of plots like when we had the massive power outage and the city went dark. It changed things and created…[Read more]