
active 10 years, 11 months ago
  • 11 years ago

    Georgia Beorn

    had mine for a while.. cos of how the PD system works.. really rocket sciencey @GeorgiaBeorn
    for the record can i say.. I hate Twitter.. who needs to read that I picked my nose or breathed deeply .. just cos I’ve got no real mates to talk to??? ;p
    Not something workaholic Geo will use much of I dare say – but certainly something she might well…[Read more]

  • 11 years ago

    Georgia Beorn

    yeh – a little too much of the whole.. yeah i can get up and walk or i dont even flop down.. like anyone would actually have a choice in the matter.. certainly not according to this first hand account..
    Glad you found it useful and amusing 😉 I certainly chuckle over this one still.. very well written and succinctly put.. please point others in…[Read more]

  • 11 years ago

    Georgia Beorn

    Started the topic Get yer Raid on! in the forum Police 11 years ago

    Ok people, Ive been plotting and scheming just a little.. and have already put the feelers out in the leaders group.. Response has thus far been impressive and people are on board so it’s time to let the cat out of the bag here

    The Background…
    DEPD has fallen into a rut.. a simple ‘always being a part of someone elses role play simply cos w…[Read more]

  • 11 years, 1 month ago

    Georgia Beorn

    I found this in an article online.. describing how it feels to be zapped.. thought it might be a useful insight into how your character might be feeling if you are aver unfortunate enough to be zapped by a cop in DE 😉

    You hear a click, like the sound of a light switch. Or a pencil being snapped.

    You’re facing away from it, looking straight a…[Read more]

  • 11 years, 1 month ago

    Georgia Beorn

    Im getting a truck load of complaints (ok.. maybe a basket load) about my new rookies.. most of whom are clueless and some who could use something more like guidelines on RP 101.
    The rookies apps are coming in thick and fast atm (it goes in cycles like that) but we seem unable to keep up with the influx of recruits before they hit the streets…[Read more]

  • 11 years, 1 month ago

    Georgia Beorn

    replied to the topic CSU role and DNA database in the forum Police 11 years, 1 month ago

    you could.. but logging it to a system, allows a csu a lil more than just oocly asking a person about everything that they’re needing to know and actually give them the option to add a tiny bit more to their RP. Im still happy to have the filing cabinet host this kind of thing in light of Nadir’s comments.. Im keen to promote the CSU RP for…[Read more]

  • 11 years, 1 month ago

    Georgia Beorn

    there are playable pool tables out there.. i have one in my house in Dead fall… I bought it for my club’s dungeon about 3 years ago, so Im sure there are improvements on the thing by now.. Allows you to play by yourself or as a pair.. also is configurable for pay to play if you really wanna.. feel free to TP to mine in my house (behind Keirans…[Read more]

  • 11 years, 1 month ago

    Georgia Beorn

    replied to the topic CSU role and DNA database in the forum Police 11 years, 1 month ago

    A part of this process will be us determining the use of a national DNA db too..
    I provisionally have a thought of using my filing cabinet system to use a nc to state whether we would have a perps DNA on file with something a simple as a title of DNA-<Name><Date>
    Though Ideally we’d have Nadirs DB configured to allow us some extended…[Read more]

  • 11 years, 1 month ago

    Georgia Beorn

    replied to the topic CSU role and DNA database in the forum Police 11 years, 1 month ago

    In General Terms Ming.. I hav e always fed into my CSU’s as n when needed, and I often have to NPC my CSU techs rocking on up toa scene. It is a sad fact that on many occaions, CSU’s have the scene to themse,ves.. but I do try anf let a CSU do as much work as is possible where the character actually has a typist behind it.. If Aedan is online…[Read more]

  • 11 years, 1 month ago

    Georgia Beorn

    Apologies to any and all i was involved in active RP lines with at the end of last week. My RL work has demanded my attention this weekend so i have been unable to log in or allow myself to be distracted with my fave addiction. Assuming the proverbial hasnt hit the fan on Monday ( its Sunday as i write this), all should be back to normal…

  • 11 years, 1 month ago

    Georgia Beorn

    replied to the topic Your character in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 1 month ago

    Geo as a character started off as Sister to one Martin Anderson (now a deceased character), I never really had a set format for her..
    Started off as her brothers incestuous muse.. realizing rapidly that his following of women left her little time and affection from him, she applied to be a cop within her first week in DE… for something…[Read more]

  • 11 years, 2 months ago

    Georgia Beorn

    I have made a minor policy change in how promotions are attained.

    Ranking from Rookie to Officer 1, is given by your Captain as a matter of course.. after review of cases and conduct, you’ll be granted this rank.
    All other higher ranks, require you to apply to a senior officer (Sgt and above, depending on your current rank of course – it may j…[Read more]

  • 11 years, 2 months ago

    Georgia Beorn

    Hey All.. finally i’ve found the system i wanted.. and it’s in place in a cabinet to the right of the stairs in the Station’s Back Office. Useful tool for catching up and working with other cops on on going cases, or use as an archive.

    Instructions for use
    DEPD Notecard Filing…[Read more]

  • 11 years, 2 months ago

    Georgia Beorn

    Auction might be something better done at the beginning – or near the beginning or the day / night.. so you have someone to go on the pub crawl with.. Why wait for your date.. plenty of places along the route for shennannigans etc

    Pub crawl is a good idea of course.. having just watched the movie “the worlds End” which is essentially about…[Read more]

  • 11 years, 2 months ago

    Georgia Beorn

    replied to the topic Crime Problem in the forum Roleplay Discussion 11 years, 2 months ago

    Referring to Fae’s post – Akima / Amadeus, you are waaaay off topic.. please start a new thread if you need to continue to discuss the offshoot ideas that are springing up.. constant comment on random things about whether a nc needs to be made available to people to tell them the jail doors are not lock pickable, is all valid n good.. but not…[Read more]

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