The Definitive DE NPC list.

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Dee janis-macmoragh 10 years, 10 months ago.

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Profile photo of shade-manx



I seen this while surfing the Crack Den Website.. At weird hours.
Write them here. Your favorite NPCs. Your personal ones that you have used to cover your shifts and cover your ass.. These Hard working everymen and women of Dead End need their moments in the sun.

Dan-o.. Daniel FireHawk of the Dead Rabbits assorted families came to work with Bean when he realized he would never make it as a bare knuckle boxer.. Pink Arcade (( ALWAYS getting his ass kicked))

Beef: Rabbits Garage: Big burly this is not the guy you want to fuck with.. He is also from the clans And unlike Dan-o Beefy Pants has an avi.. Heart of gold and a head like a brick.. Beef moves things..

Hank the Disptacher.. This one also has his own avi.. Retired judge who came to Dead End after his wife left him for a retired doctor Named Steve.. Hank has since let his give a fuck really die.. and is more interested in the hot young women who seem to flock to Dead End.. And their chesticles.

The Walrus Mustached Doctor.. I think his name is Jim... I dont use him often but the doctor is good and nice and actually normal.. Out of all my NPCs this guy is the only one without mental problems..

Dave.. The Super Sized Paramedic... When Shade or Mandy take a FD call they call on Dave.. A native of Dead End Dave has been there done that and has the T shirt for it.. Married with two kids.. Dave is the common guy who just happens to like an extra greasy meteor burger, With fries.. Calm and cool in his job.. Dave is the do all end all super hero fat guy medic..

You dont need to have a big back story like I do, or even know where they are from.. But I would love to hear about your NPCs and how you like to run them.. Mine are usually pathetic to a fault.

April 29, 2014 at 2:53 am
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ming yheng


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April 29, 2014 at 6:31 am
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April 29, 2014 at 12:01 pm
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April 30, 2014 at 1:32 am
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