PD/DEMH Role Play

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This topic contains 15 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Jade Calamity jade-calamity 11 years ago.

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Profile photo of Deus Richards

8Amadeus8 Resident


Hello fellow DE'rs! I'm sure most of us have noticed lately the lack of available police/doctors when the calls go in. I was wondering if we might be able to discuss some possible ideas/solutions for how to get people more involved in the RP in these two areas. I think these are two of the more intimidating areas to RP due to the fact that there's just more to them by logging incidents and such, but they are also the most in need for the citizens of DE to complete their story lines. I don't think these two "jobs" are as exciting to RP due to the fact that you're more of an "assistant" to others RP than creating your own, and you're kind of either stuck waiting for someone to call, or if you go out and rp, there's a chance a call will come in in the middle of a scene. Of course this is all just my opinion and take on it from a fairly new player perspective. I'm not usually one to throw out a problem without first racking my brain for some possible solutions, so here are a few ideas and hopefully we might all be able to put our heads together and come up with some ways to get people involved.

1. Job Fair
As mentioned in an earlier thread, I'm hoping to help organize a job fair in March. I'm kind of hoping this "event" will reoccur every few weeks and allow newer players in the sim to meet their potential employers and figure out where they "fit". I think it would be great, until we get the PD and Hospital better staffed to encourage people toward these two areas. Of course, not pressure them, just let them know what is needed. I may have chosen one of these two areas to RP in if I'd realized when I was new what was really needed on sim.

2. Alts? I'm not sure how encouraged this idea is, but I'd be willing to try to RP two screens at once if necessary to assist with RP in these areas. I could be playing Deus and if a call came in for the Hospital or PD I could log in that alt. Generally the PD scenes have a lot of people involved and time between emotes would be enough time I think to keep up with both. I've never tried it, I'm sure there are plenty who have, so opinions on this appreciated.
3. I think it would be interesting to offer some more long term roles in the PD or DEMH. Long term patients, Lifers in jail. This would give police and other prisoners people to RP with when no calls are coming in, other patients to have conversations with, fellow prisoners to have conversations with. It would make being in the two areas a little less "boring".
4. Maybe offer an entry level "Candy Striper" or "Volunteer" role in the hospital. These people would simply entertain, pray over etc. patients and allow some people to RP in the hospital that may not feel their character is "educated" enough to actually play a doctor or nurse. I also think once people hang around in the hospital in these roles and see how the Nurse/Doctor roles are played out that eventually the may not be so intimidated by it and step up and try it.

I don't know, just some thoughts to get some conversation started. I know many are frustrated with calls going unanswered or showing up to the hospital and having no one there to help their bloody selves.

February 17, 2014 at 2:14 am
Profile photo of Jade Calamity



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February 17, 2014 at 12:37 pm
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February 18, 2014 at 9:45 am
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February 20, 2014 at 12:27 am
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February 20, 2014 at 12:42 am
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