November Admin Post

Home Forums General Discussion November Admin Post

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of MitternachtVernichtung Resident mitternachtvernichtung-resident 6 years, 11 months ago.

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Profile photo of jaylah sass

jaylah sass


So this is something that was done previously by Lucas when he was an Admin, I would like to take it over and start it up again as I think it is a great idea and a way for us all to touch base month to month, on what is going on, on sim. I apologize it's late but I will try to do this at the beginning of each month.. I'm gonna go ahead and copy his format for it because if it ain't broke why fix it?


To Momo for building and putting together the haunted house for this year.. it was awesome..


We have revamped staff! We are still working on getting everything updated on the website but I want to welcome them to the team and thank them for being willing to help..

New Mentors:
Roxy Niekerk and Merabella Corven.

New Story Weavers:
Lily Martiel and Bexley Kozel


Sim plots have been something we have been lacking in lately. With our adding of story weavers as well as our recent leaders meeting, we have been brainstorming a lot about plots.

We will have a sim plot pending for December 1st so more to come on that.. a few of you have already been poked about it.

That being said if you have any ideas for a sim plot please poke a story weaver about it or an admin so we can brainstorm and bring your ideas to life. We are definitely looking to start strong in to the new year and get some sim wides going.

Drugs - no new designer drugs. If you have an idea for one propose it to an admin. Any drugs that are not common street drugs like cocaine, heroin, etc have to have an approval from an admin and a specific NC outlining what the drug is, where it comes from, effects, so on and so forth.

Current story weavers: Jess Corven, Dee, Lily Martiel and Bexley Kozel


Leads should continue to post one event per month as they can. However keep in mind if you're online and things are quiet you can throw an impromptu event! Events do not need to be huge.. just throw a radio announcement in the chat and give people a focal point or area to RP any time you feel like it. They will come!

If you are struggling to come up with event ideas please reach out so we can help.

If you're not a lead and you have an idea for an event let us know so we can make it happen!

Don't forget to check the calendar for events.


DE Daily - Anyone can write for the daily! Keep in mind this is a player run newspaper and you control the content that gets submitted. Your character does not need to be a reporter to submit an article. Visit the Daily office and click the portal. You can also submit your article to me and I will post it. Advertise your events, your plots, storylines, crimes.. whatever it may be. Get your content out there and lets get it active again!

Some fun ideas people may want to consider taking up: A gossip column, an advice column, covering crimes or business events, so on and so forth!

Support Ticket Items – If you have any sort of issue with a major problem on sim – technical issues or rental issues, then please submit a support ticket via the alterscape website. You can visit and then click Request Support

Staff - We have lots of active staff that can help you with your issues! Check to see who is the correct person to IM in the event an admin is not on.. lots of people can point you in the right direction.

Abuse Reports – If you find yourself in a situation that requires a mod/community manager or admin.. Please visit and head to the help page.. From there, you can click “I need to report an issue with a player” and click on the abuse report link.. OR visit for a faster approach.. Submit one of these if you have player issues whether or not you’ve contacted a mod. We do need a record of any issues for us to handle them.

Leads - it's the holiday season! Friendly reminder that you are allowed 10 prims to decorate your business with holiday decor. Please make sure it looks pretty... no bling/heavy scripts from SL circa 2006 or whatever. If you don't have any decor let me know, I'll rez some out for you 🙂


If you have any suggestions or feedback on specific items such as builds or just anything sim related at all.. get with an admin or post it on the forums in the feedback section.. keep in mind it needs to be reasonable


Pawn Shop (Themed Rental)
Salon (Themed Rental)
The Cinema
Dick's Halfway Inn
DE Daily

We have a few shops open for you to create your own business as well!

Andrea - The Magic Box
Vic - Puff n Stuff
Lily - Lulu's Bar & Grill
Jade - Pizza Slut

Please check out their business and engage them in RP!

While all of our businesses are open for staff we are very much in need of active DEPD, DEFD, DEMH and DE Daily writers! Poke the proper person or an admin in world for more help.


This is one last subject I want to touch on quickly! We can all write, that's what we're here for! Lately we have noticed a trend of people waiting around for RP to come to them. I am actively challenging you all to step out of your comfort zones and seek RP.

I totally understand everyone is shy, especially new players that may not know who they can approach and what they can do. But new or old I want to say this: If someone is on sim out in the open, they should be IC. That means you can approach them.

If you're worried about just walking up, some ideas are:
Ask for RP in OOC
Ask for RP in main chat if you're in PD, DEMH, so on and need someone to play with
Ask for RP in IM
Or if you're in a scene and see someone standing alone, IM them and throw it out there the scene is open for them to join!

I really would like to see us shift away from putting all the pressure on a few key players to starting scenes. There is no harm in asking. Lets all try really hard to be proactive in engaging each other because we all deserve RP and I would hate to see anyone get burnt out from always being the one to have to start a scene, or anyone leave because they feel no one is approaching them. So this is a sim wide challenge.. lets change the narrative and all become that person that can start up a scene on a whim! Life is too short to always be comfortable.

On that note that's all the news for now, with the Holidays coming up I fully understand people will be busy. But fun things are planned for December.. stay tuned and feel free to reply with any thoughts, concerns, ideas, etc.

November 16, 2017 at 8:40 pm
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