My first night as a Pizza Slut Girl

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Profile photo of AsterMarie Resident



Dear Diary…
It has been three months since I last wrote…Needing extra money, I decided to apply and was accepted a position as a Pizza Slut Girl. The money sounded great and if true it could improve my own personal welfare here in Dead End. It was a tough choice to pursue such a career as the uniform left little too the imagination to the patrons, especially the men. But it was either this or a career as a stripper and at least I am not totally or nearly nude while working. (Besides, after checking myself out in front of the mirror wearing her new uniform, I do look hot wearing the scantily clad outfit).
Unfortunately, my first night on the job and my first non-buying customer in my shift nearly caused me my death, or something worse. I heard a “patron” walk up to the door and peer into the restaurant dressed in very warmly for the elements including a face mask. After acknowledging the patron, the person whips out a long knife (like a machete) and waves it toward me as she advances ordering me to the backroom and to strip. (Diary, my gut tells me this person is a woman as the voice through the gas mask sounded somewhat feminine and her walk was a little different from a man’s walk. Also her eerie laugh was quite high pitched). I did find the panic button and pressed it before I was forced-led to the backroom, but knowing that no one would be here to receive the phone call the action would be useless unless the police came to the restaurant out of curiosity.
I stripped off my skirt and top as the thug stood in front of me wielding the machete in front of my body. The only clothing I was wearing at this point were my boots and a thong, which she ordered me to remove as well. With tears rolling down my face not knowing if I was going to live, die, raped, or molested in this back room, she orders me out the back door into the freezing wintery hell naked. The pavement as I was forced out felt like knives cutting into my feet. The snow and the wind bit into my naked flesh. I was forced at knife point to walk through back alleys of the streets as I was led to the train yards of Dead End. Not a soul did I see nor a means of escape from my kidnapper, my tormentor. Humiliated, embarrassed, frozen, sobbing, I was led into a vacant, unheated building in near the tracks and was sized up as a potential life of servitude as a slave. Now I knew my potential verdict and my chances of any potential escape would be nearly zero if I ended up on a slave train. I looked around seeing a potential escape route as my slaver taunted me and my naked flesh, teasing and tormenting me with her machete. I flinched from the blade as she slides it along my thigh. I stepped backwards tripping in the process and falling on my ass in the process. It appears the end is near as she stands above me with her eerie laugh. As she steps on my naked chest , I decided a drastic tactic and brought my leg up and side kicked her in the leg at the knee. She stumbles backward as I rolled away stumbling to get up. I forced my body, wet, frozen, and numb from the subfreezing temperatures, up onto my bare feet as I looked seeing my kidnapper, my tormentor, my potential slaver trip and fall onto the ground. I ran out of the vacant building through a side door and back outside into the freezing wintry cold, naked but at least at this point free. I ran toward the city center, the snow blinding me as I ran. All I can hear is my naked feet crunching the snow as I fled. I ran all the way toward the DEPD hoping to either find someone to help along the way or make it to the station alive. But the streets were vacant, the stores were locked up. I was naked and frozen on the streets of Dead End knowing I was being stalked , to be captured. I was her prey. Amazingly, I made it to the DEPD, naked but alive. I thought I was going to get help and assistance, but I was instead looked at as some sort of lunatic or some naked chick on drugs. Not getting any help and still finding myself in the same situation, cold, wet, and naked I left the DEPD to head back to the Pizza Slut to retrieve my clothes and call someone to help. Hopefully, my stalker lost my tracks in the snowstorm and I can evade her and she can find some other victim to prey on. Unfortunately, I only walked a half block when I heard the machete slide along the DEPD building and her eerily haunting laugh. I turned my head to look as I quickened my pace. My heart racing, my naked body aching from the biting arctic winds, my feet frozen and screaming with pain with every step on the frozen snow-covered streets. I misjudged the curb as I ran and looking back that I fell onto the street hitting the ground with my upper body, the back of my head striking the ground causing me to briefly black out. I woke up seeing my kidnapper, my tormentor standing above me wielding her machete and wearing her gas mask. She taunts me further and I yield to her. I had no where to run, no one to save me, and my body is nearing collapse. She picks me up and carries me to the Pizza Slut and places me on the counter. She walks away but not before telling me that soon I will be hers.

December 25, 2013 at 4:25 pm
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