Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals [MUNICPAL] DEMH

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Profile photo of Cara Crowe

Faerie Lindley


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<b>Dead End Memorial Hospital</b>
By Garrett Winsmore



BACKGROUND: Dead End Memorial Hospital (DEMH from here forth), is a staple of DE. It provides quick and affordable healthcare to the people of DE. The direction I and I am sure many other would like to see DEMH go is one of progression and activity. For some events monthly blood drives would be one, followed by perhaps a yearly fundraiser of some sort something akin to the Policeman's Ball the DEPD threw. With more hospital specific events to promote RP for the staff would be staff meetings to help get a feel for ideas and allow staff to differentiate themselves and reach where they want to reach in their RP career. While more medical RP would involve working with other leaders in the community to help figure and plan sim events around a time that we can get optimal staffing on to A) Help the staff get some RP so they aren't just afk at the front desk and B) Help the people of this city get some actual RP with a person instead of submitting a notecard and just waiting. Having started at DEMH as an intern and rising the ranks I know the first and foremost thing is management interaction with the staff. As a manager in RL for UPS this is key interacting with your staff and giving them feed back and recognizing them for the good and helping them through the bad. Garrett isn't the type to sit in his office all day taking calls and writing emails. He's aloof wandering the hospital talking with patients and staff and just making sure he is in the loop when it comes to events and goings on about the city and hospital.

UNIQUE: DEMH stands out as the place to get patched up. What I am looking to achieve with the team and lead of the asylum is an efficient network of staff that can remedy a plethora of ailments and injuries, while also keeping it realistic down to earth and essentially home grown from the talent that is on this sim. Rewarding those who differentiate themselves in a good way and working with those who do make a mistake and working towards a group that is dedicated in helping the people of this city. That and working with other businesses through out the city such as the massage parlor, Police Department and really any group lead that has an idea I am more than open to fielding these ideas and seeing about making them a reality within reason for a hospital of course. Also possible joint ventures with Hathian General Hospital in terms of Doctors being able to transfer between the two using the experience from where they started DEMH or HGH and applying it to either of the hospitals.

EXPERIENCE:Well when I first came to DE and started working at DEMH I was but an intern and I worked my way up the ladder to where I am today. DE has been my main source of RP and the interactions I have had with the people of this city have helped me grow from a few lines to a few paragraphs or more posts. In my Real Life I work as a supervisor for UPS being put through management classes and I have a Bachelors in Network Communications and Management. I also like to think I'm easy to approach and have a very down to earth demeanor so staff won't exactly be intimidated by me as a person and only the title. I also have been RPing around DE in some shape or form for a little under a year with most of that time at DEMH so I am very familiar with the systems and policies of the hospital and sim.

IDEAS:The main thing with new players on the sim is to help them develop a character and get them a life in the city. Now this can often mean they come into DEMH hurt or looking for work or just curious. I don't mind giving people tours ICly OOCly and explaining what we do here how we do it and how to get started. One of the best ways I think to engage with new players who decide to RP at DEMH is an interview by senior level staff to see how they're doing, how they like it, and how we as higher level staff can help them grow as an RPer whether it's practice emergencies or just a classroom type event, should be great tools in helping grow and have a knowledgeable staff.

OTHER:At the hospital itself it'd be a standard day. Ideally I'd like perhaps an article in the paper with a notice about an event later that night at a local establishment that the hospital would rent out for the night to throw a Gala event, with a bit of a raffle and fundraiser type stuff and let the people interact with the staff without the whole hospital environment.

January 21, 2014 at 5:58 pm
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January 21, 2014 at 7:18 pm
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January 21, 2014 at 7:58 pm
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January 21, 2014 at 9:21 pm
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Chanda Feiri


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January 21, 2014 at 11:34 pm
Profile photo of Cara Crowe

Faerie Lindley


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January 22, 2014 at 6:41 am
Profile photo of Cara Crowe

Faerie Lindley


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January 22, 2014 at 7:37 pm
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