Logging local (Nearby/IC) chat

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Akirameta Hikimo akima1996-resident 11 years, 2 months ago.

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Profile photo of Akirameta Hikimo



Ever have something happen that you know is wrong? Ever go to the admins about it and are asked for the log or transcript? Our admins and GMs want to help, but is it fair to the person you are complaining about for the Admin to beat them up without any evidence that they did something wrong? How would things be in RL if you could be thrown in jail with no evidence against you? I've been told that most complaints are this way. Someone feels slighted, runs to Fae, Kah, kyo or Bean but have no proof, then get mad at DE because that person seems to get away with it.

Our viewers log our IM history automatically, But local chat does not. To turn logging on in Firestorm (I assume it's similar in other viewers):

Go to your preferences --> privacy--> general tab, look down at the chat logs and check 'save nearby chat logs on my computer.

It will tell you that it will cause lag, but I have never seen a difference.

By setting this up, you will have access to go back and read or copy and paste all your RP history from the time you change this setting on. This is great to be able to show evidence when you need to go to the Admins, but also is nice to be able to go back and reread old RP to help you remember things you have done.

From a community standpoint, more people setting this up will help Dead End to be a thriving RP community because the worst offenders, who choose not to comply with the SIM's rule regarding fair play (ie: Meta and power gaming and god modding), can be dealt with before they get to the point of people leaving to get away from them, or having to avoid them to prevent OOC drama.

December 22, 2013 at 12:53 pm
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