Hello , new to Dead End and to rp in general.

Home Forums Introductions Hello , new to Dead End and to rp in general.

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Profile photo of Sixtine Nymphea

Sixtine Nymphea


Hello all, i like to introduce Six and eh ... myself to the forum and the people of Dead End.
As the title says, i am new to roleplay, but hope to learn and fit in soon.
For now i did some snooping around the sim and worked on a background story for Sixtine.
The problem is i made super long it seems, so below is a link to it for who might be interested and i will put down a short version here.
Also already sorry for the spelling errors, English is not my native tongue.
So here goes :

Sixtine "Six" Nymphea came to Dead End in an impulsive mood looking for the girl she fell in love with in a chat room during her rehab period.
She packed her stuff, stole her boyfriends car and hit the high road direction Dead End to chase her happiness.
When she got at her destination it turned out the address was fake and there was no sign of "hotgrl06".
With no option to return, she sold the car to a chop shop in a neighboring town and set up a place at DE Brownstone with the cash.
When she noticed the "help wanted" sign at the local Pizza Slut down the street she took the job, although she is not really competent or interested in it at all. Something customers might notice when they make use of her services as a waitress/delivery girl.

Six grew up as a spoiled and popular girl in Europe, but due to circumstances her family fell in to poverty, something she never processed and that made her escape in drugs occultism and booze. She carriers a lot of mental baggage but hides it well.
People would describe her as a lazy person that takes nothing really serious.
Although quite naive and easy tricked herself , she is a master manipulator and compulsive liar with no sense of empathy.
More a follower then a leader, she is very loyal for as long if she can benefit from it, but the minute the heat gets to hot, she would not hesitate to betray and stick a knife in to someones back.

full bio : https://sixtinenymphea2.blogspot.nl/

All tips and pointers are welcome and please don't kill me if i screw up ... speaking off ... please don't kill Sixtine either, or do something permanent to her.
For the rest i do not really have much rp limits.

Hope to see you all inworld soon.

August 17, 2017 at 2:14 pm
Profile photo of jaylah sass

jaylah sass


Sign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ

August 18, 2017 at 8:06 pm
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