[FACTION] DE Grizzlies

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Faerie Lindley


<b>DE Grizzlies</b>
By Sharbear Xaris

TYPE: Street Gang

MEMBERS: D A Y ツ (millha) and 2. ღDуηα мутєღ (mordred.leodhais)
Blake Larcen (green360)

BACKGROUND: Take a moment to step into the realm of the DE Grizzlies. We are a group of outcasts, the delinquent punks who are likely to get kicked out of establishments, cause a riot in the middle of the city, and we are never afraid to cause an uprising in the name of independence. Not bad, nor good, we live for one thing and one thing only, feeling alive. Not satisfied enough with just breathing the smoggy city air in our routine day-to-day activities; we need to feel the rush, flourishing within the spiraling whirlwinds the city brings upon us. Just like any other band of bears, we are extremely protective of our own kind, so be prepared to keep one eye open at all times if you decide to play in our den. What makes us unique is that we aren't your typical street gang. Where most gangs hustle for money, our gang is already financially stable. We aren't always good but we aren't always bad. We refuse to conform to only one side, good or evil, we could care less. We already know that the world is corrupt and it isn't our responsibility to be concerned about everyone else's issues. We might be considered hell-raisers; out to enjoy our own well standing and plan to slowly rise to the top while doing it. We may not be as educated as some, but we are smart thinkers, we aren't quick to action but rather see challenges as a game of chess, slowly relocating our ideas until we've discovered the perfect move and then we attack without warning. We find pleasure in others looking down on us, judging us, solely so we can overcome them and reveal our flaws...and that in itself makes us true warriors.

UNIQUE: The DE Grizzles originated in Sharebear's very own candy shop. Most in the city may see the candy shop as a bright and happy rainbow, but what most don't realize is what lies beneath that clean and cheerful exterior. Sharebear currently has a side business providing customers as well as other gang members (who will remain anonymous) with signature candies. Signature meaning locked and loaded with drugs and poisons. She has many different assortments of gummy bears (including bears with Xanax and Cocaine, and gummies with deliriums), lollipops (some with SUX which paralyzes victims and nearly brings them close to death if not treated, some with aphrodisiacs mixed in with ecstasy, and some mixed with alcohol for fun), she has also created a mix of rat poison and pixie stick sugar she calls "Pixie Dust" for self defense reasons, in addition to some of these fun examples, she has her pill business on the side. (I will soon be making a notecard of her "special" sweets and treats for all the naughty ones out there who want a taste.) Sharebear has become somewhat of the Mama Bear in her shop, feeling the need to protect her cubs (which would be considered her employees by most people). She comes from a wealthy family, and being a trust fund baby she has many means to support her shop, her drug sales, in addition to the gang. Her employees/friends Blake Larcen, Natasha Blaque, River Panic, Millha, Mika Kingsley, and Thomas Coy have all proven to become more like a family rather then friends or employees. Their instincts in protection and free thinking make her proud and the rowdy bunch have gotten together and decided that they don't necessarily like the way things are being run around this city, and it is their responsibility to make sure the underdogs prevail in the end. Some may consider them freedom fighters, though they are not fighting for the citizens, they are only fighting for themselves. They want to get their voices heard for their own selfish purposes. They don't like being told what to do, and they like the attention acting out brings them, because of this they will do everything they can to make sure their voice is heard throughout the city. This is no matter who gets hurt in the way, good or bad.

FLAW: One flaw our gang may encounter would be the fact that we are as open about what we want and what we think. We aren't the type of gang to hang out in the shadows where no one can see us; we want to make sure that people can see us and that they hear us loud and clear. Not to mention, Sharebear is feisty, but she still has a big heart and it might be easy for other gangs to penetrate her. In addition to this, we are all green to "organized crime" which may lead us to be a bit sloppy in the beginning. Bad for us, good for others.

POTENTIAL ENEMY: DE Syndicate, DE Sugar Rush Boutique, DE Dark Room, DEPD, etc

EXPERIENCE:I have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work with the lovely DE Leaders and Mentors, and am so grateful to now be a part of the creative group of people. I have a very imaginative mind which also has been able to help the DE Story Weavers. I opened up my candy shop in DE which has shown pretty good success, for being a private business, and I have a great background of friends in this RP Community who have taught me new things left and right. I am good at bringing people together and thickening the plots to ensure everyone is a part of the experience.

IDEAS:I would like to have a gang that brings all types of role players into the mix. I love the idea of everyone becoming involved and having fun in the playful role play we provide them. So many new people are joining DE every day and I want them to be blown away here more than any other RP Community they have been to by involving them in excitement and new RP experiences. I also want to make sure that we do some off the wall things that might bring a shock to most. The group of people I have selected generally are all extremely active role players anyway, so creating this gang will give us the chance to organize a little more, go on actual gang missions, as well as have an official title for our little family. I also love the idea of everyone in the gang being somewhat of an outcast. I think a lot of role players just might relate to that their self.

OTHER:DE Syndicate, DE Sugar Rush Boutique, DE Dark Room, DEPD, etc

March 1, 2014 at 11:08 am
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