Emma DeNior

Home Forums Introductions Emma DeNior

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Profile photo of Emma DeNior



As an only child of a Detroit drug lord and a square yet well off RN, she had the opportunity to view both sides of the fence. Both sides a bit higher than the average person. While sniffing behind her fathers work she ran into an older man, who took her under his wing. Provided her with all that she needed and when her father was murdered, this man covered her education. To which afforded her a nursing degree from UofM. In exchange all she had to do was meet his needs, no matter how brutal. With her dealing the brutality. Years past this way, and things were good. She had a nice place near school provided by her man. Everything she needed, this dream came to a grinding halt, when she found the man was married, and his wife wanted her gone. Emma was paid to get out of town with an offer of a monthly allowance. Accepting this offer for fear of her life she stopped by a friends house and armed herself with a small switch blade packs her things and sets off. Not sure what she was looking for but she knew it was

January 23, 2014 at 3:44 pm
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