Christmassy Policeman/womans Ball

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This topic contains 21 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Georgia Beorn georgia-beorn 11 years, 2 months ago.

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Profile photo of Georgia Beorn



Hey Peoples..
In the interests of kicking off a lil more cop-specific interest int he Policemans Ball.. Im looking for responses on timing.. date looks to be pretty well set at Thursday the 19th December.. any closer to xmas and people will be missing...
I just need to confirm a time.. so far i have one euro on between 1and 6pm, and 2 yanks on after 8pm.
Im taking the day off work, so i can be there any time.. its now down to the rest of you..

Here's a lil background..
This is an annual pissup full of awards and speeches n honours from the year.. paid for out of the budget thats quietly acruing throughout the year from all the fines PD collects from citations n the like.. a minor mis-use of the funds.. but as the accountants dont loosen the purse strings for cars, uniforms and staff salaries, its the least I can do to fudge the system a lil to proovide a 'let your hair down' shin dig - literally!!

Its black tie / georgeous gowns.. with invitations to the elite and the hard working business owners of DE that we protect, plus our colleagues from the Courts and FD of course...

Format that I'm making up as i type this is as follows;
champagne reception w/canapes
Welcome, and a few speeches ((any volunteers?))
Awards... which may or may not consist of those listed in the following section
eat drink and be merry!!

A.D.D. Award Most likely to be distracted by … ooooo look, something shiny!
One more thing Award Most likely to extend a scene
Casual Monday - Friday Award For regularly pushing the limits of Business Attire
Where's Wally Award Least likely to be found …
Running with the Bulls Award Being the Biggest Risk Taker
Baby's Bottom Award For being the smoothest in times of crisis
Rookie of the year Award Best newcomer
Mission Impossible Award for Accomplishing the impossible, you are now expected to do this EVERY time
Wikipedia Award For always having the answer to EVERYTHING, right OR wrong!
Human Megaphone Award for talking so loud, everyone knows what you're up too!
Energiser Bunny Award for always being ready to dive in and keep going, and going, and going …
Shaky Hands Award Caffeine, where is the caffeine!
007 Award Suddenly disappearing when there's shit to answer to
Best Actor/Actress in a Supporting Role For someone who does all the work when someone else is taking all the credit

Get your nominations in now - will extend these out to the general populace if we agree that they're appropriate and complete - you get to have your say.. so.. add your awards in here.. i will cut mine down to accommodate so we arent there all night!!

Of course.. i have extended an open invitation to the rest of DE to be chaos bringers to the fun.. so get helping them ((oocly of course)) exacting their revenge.. All chaos needs to be co-ordinated so we at least get thru some of the night for ourselves and everyone has a good time n doesnt get lost in the mele.. so.. all ideas will need to be sent to me, so i can co-ordinate with simplot weavers.

should be a fun time and I'm seriously keen to get as many cops to turn out as we can muster. HArdly a plicemans ball without cops!!

Feedback here or in my IM's please ((offlines will hit my email so i can and will respond))

December 10, 2013 at 2:01 pm
Profile photo of Georgia Beorn



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December 10, 2013 at 9:50 pm
Profile photo of Georgia Beorn



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December 11, 2013 at 5:52 pm
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December 11, 2013 at 11:16 pm
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December 12, 2013 at 11:33 am
Profile photo of Georgia Beorn



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December 12, 2013 at 11:43 am
Profile photo of Georgia Beorn



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December 12, 2013 at 11:46 am
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