businesses and time (zones)

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Lyssandra Ritter lyssandra69 resident 10 years, 10 months ago.

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Profile photo of Lyssandra Ritter

lyssandra69 resident


Dear Dead Enders,

I would like to know more on your opinion on time for hobbies.
As I read the DE daily it seems we need more people adding their strength to some business…

But I have no clue what is expected on that:

As background, I was talking with another person on usual time that should be expected from a business leading player in DE to be online per day. I was told that the time Lyss is usually ravaging DE is rather short to lead a business (I am online 2-3 per day) and I should think of it as some side job and I could do no good job in 2 hours.

On the one hand that is absolutely right I have to admit, on the other hand it is about a game. I guess most of us have to do a RL job to get the freezer filled, have a family, even friends and perhaps some hobby not connected to SL, e.g. sports to keep the butt in shape. Given I am not Napoleon who only slept 3-4 hours per day from what I read – I also need sleep and then there is not much more time left to play.

But I admit that many business leaders invest plenty of time in DE, Andi or Ren being great examples and coming first into my mind. Such players are somehow the spine of a thing like DE, they fill it with life after all.

So what do you folks think should be the usual online-time per day (OTD) to provide satisfying roleplay to a business.

Further there are mentioned meetings that a business leader should attend to, so I would like to ask – are these meeting obligatory? How often are those meetings and at what time – well I imagine that could be a pain in the ass for players from other time zones as they have either to sleep or to work during that time…

Now I am excited on your opinions,
Cheers, Lyss

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