[BUSINESS] Jade Dragon

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Profile photo of Kyo Niimura



<b>Jade Dragon</b>
By vampfreaker Fallen



BACKGROUND: ICly my character Ida Fallen has been in DE for several years, it's where she hangs her hat as home. For quite some time she has been a bartender there, working her way up to an assistant manager position. Now with her superiors both being sought after by the police the Jade has kind of hit a dead point. As a leader I'd like to make the Jade Dragon a fun little gem to dive into--as a restaurant and as a selling point for the underbelly of DE that need their nightly vices. For events my IC character has love for the odd and strange--so events could be as simple as come with your best "Siamese Twin" where two individuals would come dressed as twins or identicals for discount food and drink. Or more active events such as a "Freak Show" where human oddities come to perform sponsored by Jades with food and drink provided. Old and new employees would be greeted by Ida as they always have been--slight speculation before an odd older sister like attitude. Of course their RP effects how Ida will react in turn.

UNIQUE: Being one of the main places of business in Asian Town Ida seeks to accentuate this with authentic food and drink to stand side by side with other staple delights of a full bar. This combined with the attitude of openness to all people, will make Jade a colorful stage where anyone can perform whatever part they pick up.

EXPERIENCE:Just my long time RP with Jade makes me feel comfortable taking a leading role within DEs confines. I'm also very dedicated to DE, this character has grown so much from her DE Innocent start, I would consider managing Jades another large part of her IC life.

IDEAS:For those who sign up to work for Jades I will compile new note cards that describe the run down of how Jade will be kept and maintained through IC terms. I will also have an 'open door policy' as far as ooc help is concerned. I will do my best to accommodate and listen to everyone and anyone.

OTHER:I would probably open up with one of the above suggested events or along the same lines as an 'oddities' or 'freak show' based fun. Along with 'meet the staff' and/or 'meet the manager' to go in with the event.

July 19, 2014 at 12:26 pm
Profile photo of Rene Sabetha



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July 22, 2014 at 12:06 am
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