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DEPD Captain
By vanora Blackheart



BACKGROUND: As the DEPD has been build up on Corruption, Offering a great and fun place for people to prosper and being active and triving there own stories. . Over the last year and a half the PD Leadership team has worked very hard to keep things going, Fun and entertaining and active and continue the tradition of corruption. This given I would like to work further on this, And follow the lead of Dead Ends sister sim Hathian, I have spend some time over at the HPD and saw some nice ideas that could be moved over to the Dead End Police Department while keeping the band of brothers and sisters in blue that makes us stand apart in the DEPD. And that we try to stive in keeping this. What I would bring to this business is my free time, My ideas of how to make it more Corrupt. More shake downs. More direct blackmailing of criminals and trying to push more Creative punishments out. These include stocks, Chaingangs, Trying to turn them on there fellow gang members to give out information, Interrigations, And still offering fun and enjoyable roleplay for them within there limits and comfort. Not everyone is the same and enjoys dark roleplay. But do want to have roleplay its important to make sure oocly what can and cant be done with suspects or victims. But still allowing criminals there way to have fun to. We dont need to win everything and I have lost my share of battles in Dead End and I plan to keep it that way. Fair play overall. This being said, I want to lead with an example towards the other officers to show them we can be evil and yet lose and still hold up our head in pride and enjoy the roleplay. While I have to admit the image of the DEPD does potrait a very strong group, They have better equipment then most groups. Think about the ranged tazers, Body armour etc. But I want to help change the imagine to give the options of raids to fail. That things can go wrong. And that the criminal element of the sim has a chance to fairly win. Giving the criminals and lurkers, and innocents a chance to triumph over the DEPD. And showing that the group isnt all about winning. On the outside we try to maintain the image we have now, a corrupt office but hard to prove. People know where evil but just cant put the finger on who is and who isnt. Still open for lawsuits to give the law office there access but once behind the doors to give innmates and corrupt cops enough room to form out there fantasies, and punishment for criminals that over did themselfs. Also I would like to interduce otherways of punishments Chain gangs to clean the vandilsme mess people made, Stocks for citizens to interact with the evil rapist. Stimulate fights and framing between gangs (If there open to this OOCLY) Trying to make the overall jail time more enjoyable. Making it more important to offer arrestees Roleplay to instead of the lock up and throw the key away. Trying to get the DA office to get the chance of questioning Innmates to before court, Give them the information on Notecards they need to move it to actual court. Allow Lawyers to bribe police officers, Get contact with there client, And even abuse them in the station if they feel that way and bribed certain police officers to keep it clear for them. This doesnt mean I want to turn the PD into a sex den. Or abuse den. I still believe that to process the sims plots and stories of people you need dedicated police work. Investigation, Follow up on statements interaction with victims. Roleplay out crimescenes. Picking up supplies and evidence from the hospital, Fire department. And keep those relations healthy and strong. With that said I do want to offer the good police officer a spot to in the PD. I believe there has to be a balence at times between the fully evil cops and Good cops that actually are less brutal. Its important that everyone feels welcome. While the guidelines say it is harder to be a good cop. But we will need to have good cops that try and work the street to And not all corruption has to lead to Beating someone, or raping them, Or abusing them. There are enough ways already mentioned in this application to get the ball rolling. Bribes to look the other way, Fake criminal records (With ooc concent of the players involved) Playing two criminal gangs against each other. I spend nearly two years on the sim and seen the DEPD grow from a white knight bastion to a corrupt place. Having Vanora as one of the darker and corrupt people on the force. Using her rank and priviliges to get drug money laundried, drugs, selling illigal confiscated weapons to criminal establisments and bribes. Bending the law to fit herself but still trying to give Justice to innocent by standers. While Vanora will never be a criminal with a badge. She does do what she needs to do to keep the town safe and clean from the criminal element. (Ofcourse we cant clean the streets 100% nor is that the objective but she will try to move towards this.) I would like to increase the speed that promotions are handled and how good roleplay is rewarded by this. I believe its important to reward people with certain priviliges, These include the obvious, a rank up, special cases, ICLY pay raises etc. As they process there avatar within Dead End, and I want to be a helping part for people to move there toon further out. On a fair way.

UNIQUE: They have alot of tools in there arsenal. Support of the City and council. This will make the group stand out. But not just that I want to offer options to reach out to the community with events to form donations, Payments for tips (Falsely accusations or real.) That can be followed up by the detectives and officers. Offer civilians a glimpse into the DEPD as ride along project. Giving officers to show the hard work the DEPD does, or given them an option (if both parties want to) to end up suffering from the long arm of the law. Working further on the corruption Teaming up with the other public service offices to do teamed events from Barbuecues to little rivally matches like Soccer, Football, or even jello wrestling as DE is known for when I started playing there. But the main goal is for the department to grown and thrive. To be a fun place for all to interact with. And to be a supporting role into the sim stories. For criminals and victims and the police officers themselfs. To broaden the story's of everyone.

EXPERIENCE:I have been an active part of the DEPD leadership with Marty, Shade Roxy and Tarra for nearly a year now, I been on the PD itself for about two years. Give or take. And with that I have been a fair roleplayer and very active for the Police department. Offering Roleplay to alot of different people. While I am human and while Im not perfect I do believe I spend all my love and effort into this group. And still do. I want this group to branch out and become more active again then what it is now. And with that I believe my abilities will be able to get that going. As a member of the DEPD I have ranked up from the bottom of Rookie all the way to Lieutenant. Help train people. Helped rewrite the guidelines the DEPD uses today still, Worked alongside Shade and Marty before her to help build up the DEPD offering suggestions for events , ideas and plots where I can as well as joining in on as many police functions as possible. Tried to help Rookies once they started and get them moving up the ranks. Cleaned out the PD roster and trying to keep track of people being active and inactive. Assisting in the minor management things of the PD and taken great pride into doing these ordeals.

IDEAS:Besides our rookie training we have now, I still believe the best way is to hit there IM box oocly, welcome them into the PD give them direction and ask them if they have questions. Most are overwhelmed with all the things a PD officer has to do, Huds, The guides that are there to help them, The rankin within and the corruption and how officers react. Making sure OOCLY there are wanted and welcomed in the PD is a main step that I believe is very important and I want to keep doing. Secondly to drag them into the roleplay the moment they enter the station and put on there PD tag, this can be with IC lectures and training sessions, Patroling or just chit chat in the DEPD office. While making sure they know exactly what they can do and cant. Interduce them to the rest of team. and trying to assist them in engagin in roleplay with other people. Offering a helpfull ear and hand when they get stucked and dont know where to go with there stories anymore. To get new players overall in the sim involved would pretty much be the same, Greeting them approaching them on the street and trying to get them involved into the roleplay. If that is normal chitchat, to more corrupt roleplay. Its still important to make them feel welcomed on the sim and have a great time.

OTHER:Depending If I would be accepted most likely a fitting Police Gala for the change into leadership Honouring the old leadership with a farewall and thank you for the help, the work they put into the PD and the vote of support. Followed in the next weeks with a crack down on drugs and weapons. While giving the other criminals a chance to flourish while the PD focusses on disarming the citizens and giving them the chance to adjust to the event. Also would like to add several mini events like trainings, Meeting the staff and open door policy on problems ICLY and OOCLY.

September 10, 2015 at 8:02 pm
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Rhyssa Prather


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September 11, 2015 at 1:33 am
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September 11, 2015 at 11:14 am
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September 11, 2015 at 11:44 am
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September 12, 2015 at 7:30 pm
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