Rhyssa Prather

active 6 years, 11 months ago
  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    I’m going to very simply state that I couldn’t disagree more with Magnum in what he said.

    Magnum said,
    i couldn’t disagree with you more about it being acceptable to “mess” with consent. it is never acceptable to “mess” with a players consent in any case for any reason. whether it is reality , or fantasy based , we are dealing with real peop…
    [Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    Hey Mag,

    Yeah, I’m so not a lawyer, and I use plain english. You tend to get a little technical for me (both you and kerri no matter how much I admire both of your ability to speak like that) And I believe that you missed my point –

    You come off very much as “I understand it, but I don’t like it” and While this is your opinion about jail as…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    What it boils down to is balance – balance in all things in a roleplay sim – it’s important to not go to either extreme. We both need restrictions on utter stupidity so that it doesn’t run rampant and enough flexibility that people have fun and we don’t run them off.

    Think big picture – yes, for all intents and purposes you decide your…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    Hey Jennie!

    I really like that your not doing it for a specific group- kind of like neutral ground where all are welcome.
    I love the idea as bartenders as therapists – with information brokers and information for sale with consent
    That is a unique idea that I’ve actually not seen any of the other bars do.

    As a suggestion for a grand opening, I…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    I really like the idea of a jack’s, it seems to give a lot of groups that need rp the ability to get rp, and that’s actually my favorite part about it Koosh. Simply put right now their is no consequences to doing crime – you sit in jail for 3 days and that’s it. Most of the time you get a decent amount of rp from cops – we really do try to rp with…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    On 9/12/15, at 9:20 AM, JackCat wrote:
    > Hi, Damsel,
    > As for your post I would point out that I did actually address that. I stated that I am willing to work and function as part of a leadership team and that I have nothing that would keep me with working with whomever was chosen as co-captain.
    > I get along with most of the DEPD, so I see no…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    On 9/12/15, at 8:49 AM, JackCat wrote:
    > Hi rhys, can you post this reply to Dee for me? I would appreciate it – I’m not available to post on the forums this weekend but I can reply via phone – with the assistance of others. Please expect replies through Rhyssa Prather or Rena Gloster (kern Spore) as they are both close friends of mine and it…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather


    I have to say I commend you for applying, but as you mentioned, you’d have to spend time just learning the role. I don’t know that I have ever role-played with you and I don’t know that I’d be comfortable rping with a person who doesn’t know the DEPD very well. I don’t like the idea that you wouldn’t change stuff.

    I think that the DEPD…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    I agree that the DEPD is very strongly female inherent and I’ve noticed men seem to flunk out of training school early. I like the idea of clearly defined ooc and ic meetings really well. Right now I don’t feel like I have much of a voice in the DEPD because we don’t have meetings. I like the idea of more detailed branches in the DEPD a great…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    Hi Vanora, I like the boldness of your proposal- your proposal so far has been the darkest read of any of the proposals I’ve read or commented on so far, which is nice to see. You said that you see Vanora as being one of the darker and more corrupt people on the force but also that she will never be a criminal with a badge. That seems c…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    Hi Tarra, I am relieved that you answered the question about Titi before it was asked here on the forum. I do like what I’ve seen of you in role-play so far but i do have a few questions and concerns that I’d like to bring up. I am curious if you would keep Titi inside of Hellcats as that to me would seem to be edging along the purpose of the rul…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    I can’t say that I would consider Roxy for Captain, Roxy as a character comes off as very white knight as a person. I have nothing against you Roxy and I think you are a great person but I can’t say that I would enjoy having you as a Captain. I personally feel that the leader of the DEPD cannot be known as an incorruptible white knight. It jus…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    As a player that joined the DEPD not too long ago, I never really found the ranks to be confusing myself, how would you change them to be less confusing Marty? I’d like to hear more detail about the plan if you don’t mind answering?

    One of the big issues that I have seen is the sheer number of people who get hired on as cops and then are gone…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 7 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    Hey Deus,
    I’ve seen you rp and I’ve never seen anything that has been “unfair”, but I agree with you that I’ve seen a lot of frustration in-sim and in the forums.
    I agree that the adminship needs the ability to put their foot down a bit harder. Something I can advocate with a whole heart and a bright smile on my face. I think that oocly people…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 7 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    While this isn’t a vote type thing I have a few questions I’d like to ask if you don’t mind Yama?

    1. Why an MC? It’s obviously not fixed on the bikes but why an MC and not a normal gang? You don’t often see MC’s of any kind interested in slave trade. Are you going to be allied with Hellcats MC? Since they do control a lot of trade in Dead End…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 7 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    Men make me so damn mad. What is wrong with complimenting my good eye.
    For fucks sakes. My tits are not the center of attention.
    Still looking for employees for the Sub Shoppe and Warehouse Fitness, have a few employees now which feels good, the more active employees i get the less stress it will be. Now finding someone who makes a mean sandwhich…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 7 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    I once lead a group of people called the brigade, lead them against the riots in the dark of the city. but not here, an not this city. Dark thoughts whisper across my mind as I prepare the pool.
    Where will this day take me?

    I prepare to go exercise with the kind of weariness of one who does not sleep, and still the silence bothers me

    Diary,…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 8 months ago

    Rhyssa Prather

    White Knighting- Being the hero that saves the day against the bad guy
    No Roxy, it wasn’t pointed at you hon.
    It was a generalized statement.

    I only mean that being a lurker is hard work, it does have a kind of ooc stigma to it – or at least it feels like it- Everyone wants to be a hero- it’s kind of natural to want to help people or be a good…[Read more]

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