In for King.
If you still got space, i’ll gladly participate.
In for King.
If you still got space, i’ll gladly participate.
It is indeed good to have Roxy and Nikolai back.
I totally and wholeheartedly support this proposal. I know they can make it happen, and it also calls to mind the old times when there was a shelter in DE, here or there. These places usually involved good rp and helped fixating some types of characters on sim.
Hello, thanks, and I’m not particularly fond of sugar.
I don’t know how the damn dress code escalated to become an exclusion from RP.
Maybe the term of exclusion was a poor choice of word. Let me state this again: the dress code is ONLY A DRESS CODE, and as such, exactly an occasion to create RP situations. I.e. if someone does not res…[Read more]
Hello Koosh, thanks for the question.
That’s absolutely not going to be an issue, as I have a group of players with me who will fill in the roles perfectly, until I attract new candidates.
I already had this experience in previous DE businesses (never as lead but as employee or manager) and I know how to reach out to the players on sim. I t…[Read more]
Thanks for the comment Nuku. I will try to answer to every aspect you bring up.
As for the social level of Dead end, I don’t think the dark setting has ever restrained anyone from playing rather well-off characters (drug money, heirs…). I could name quite a few… including my current character.
I tend to believe that casinos are mostly attra…[Read more]
Hello, and thank you for the consideration.
Of course there cannot be any OOC exclusions for avatar looks reason. I will make it a point with staff that “exclusions” are to be IC and strictly IC, with friendly explanations in IM about the atmosphere we’re trying to build in this place.
Also, I want to exclude being overly demanding about the v…[Read more]