11 years, 2 months ago
11 years, 3 months ago
Stubby McGinnis
Entry 1
It has been a 2 months since i have come back to hell, I can feel the town slowly infecting me again. Each day that passes I can feel the fingers of my mistress, this bloody town tightening this collar around my neck. Only now she seems weaker, more muddled than in the passed days. Like any good servant I look to what could be making her…[Read more] -
11 years, 3 months ago
Stubby McGinnis
If i may i would like to weight in here. There has been much that’s changed since i was last in DE. I agree with much that’s been said in the blog, but there are some things that i really disagree with. First it seem that in some sense this sim has lost it’s way a little . It is a KRP sim. In my opinion killing or murdering has no place here, As…[Read more]
11 years, 3 months ago
Stubby McGinnis
The term” if I have time ” comes from RL. i am often approached, I know it may seem hard to believe, but people have lives outside of SL. So if I have to go RL soon, then you might have to wait
11 years, 3 months ago
Stubby McGinnis
11 years, 3 months ago
Stubby McGinnis
I should have done this a while ago. but i’m rather lazy when it comes to thing like this. I know most don’t know me or my alt, but we are probably teh oldest players on DE. after a long siesta Stubby is back. He is not as violent as his more well known brother, but it easily twice as smart as Jacobi McCaw. I have already started a few story line…[Read more]