10 years ago
10 years, 5 months ago
radhagrim Resident
There was a facetious element to my post, though I’ll respond by saying that you don’t need to be Einstein to know you wouldn’t put sprinklers in a bookstore if you cared for the books, right? Dry chemical tanks with foam or powder would cause damage, CO2 tanks would not as it’s simply a dry, clean inert gas.
10 years, 5 months ago
radhagrim Resident
You know, you can change your version of what is acceptable at any time. You don’t have to remain loyal to what grieves you.
Say someone comes along and ‘trashes’ the place while nobody else is around. Well, that’s god-modding really, so why should you go to the effort of roleplaying out the consequences?
Furniture and all that crap can’t b…[Read more]
10 years, 5 months ago
radhagrim Resident
I have to agree with Akima.
It just strikes me as highly bizarre every time someone mentions they actually ask people for permission or consent to do something in roleplay, whether it be to attack someone or to cause damage to a business. Nor do I regard asking as ‘the polite / nice thing to do’. Unless exceptions are otherwise made clear and…[Read more]
10 years, 7 months ago
radhagrim Resident
But Anjel fights like a girl!
10 years, 7 months ago
radhagrim Resident
hey hey hey, no dancing, no robbing, no kicking. Not on my watch. Radha will still be around even though she’ll be missing Titi 😛
10 years, 7 months ago
radhagrim Resident
I know Titi’s had my back with the bar for a while, and since I can’t be around as I’d like to be, Titi fully deserves it as her own.
10 years, 8 months ago
radhagrim Resident
Australia or GMT +10. Totally Bean’s fault.
10 years, 8 months ago
radhagrim Resident
I’ve had some real life changes going on over the last weeks, meaning I haven’t been as active as owner for the Roughhouse nor as a member for the Hellcats lately.
On the plus side is that I have my times settled down now. However, I am in a shitty timezone living in upside down land, so while I am around, it’s usually during DE’s graveyard…[Read more]
10 years, 11 months ago
radhagrim Resident
Whatever floats your boat, but I don’t ever expect people to ask me for consent, and in turn, I won’t ever ask people for consent either. Maybe that’s rude to some, but that’s their problem not mine. If they have any, I will look up and respect limits in someone’s profile considering my only limits are a mirror to theirs. My character is not that…[Read more]
11 years ago
radhagrim Resident
11 years ago
radhagrim Resident
I like the idea, so gets my thumbs up, and double if men also are encouraged to wear more revealing outfits as well as the ladies 😉
11 years ago
radhagrim Resident
11 years ago
radhagrim Resident
In terms of the weather, unfortunately, unless following it and dressing accordingly becomes compulsory, much as people have mentioned in previous posts of avoiding role-play you dislike, people will continue to ignore it or role-play around it. I’ve given it a fair go myself, having spent quite a number Lindens to fit the part, but I keep h…[Read more]
11 years ago
radhagrim Resident
It’s been taken over as Ground Zero, Dee’s new Army Surplus store and a home of sorts for the Hellcats MC. Check it out!
11 years ago
radhagrim Resident
I like the idea as the garage does need some active leadership, and suppose that you could keep an eye for opportunities with people actually having a vehicle license at the DMV as well.
11 years ago
radhagrim Resident
11 years ago
radhagrim Resident
Woohoo! Yes! Dee’s a great rper, along with Lex and Mew from what I’ve experienced. Been waiting since I got here for a good MC to get active, especially with running the biker bar and hopefully hooking up RP with Kink Ink as well. The proposal’s quite thorough, can’t think of anything against it.
11 years, 1 month ago
radhagrim Resident
11 years, 1 month ago
radhagrim Resident
The Roughhouse invites people who want to get some actual criminal rp going in line with the current sim plot of dockworkers being laid off.
This isn’t about joining a gang or aligning with a faction. We’re just seeking individuals or small groups of criminals who would like to rob places or mug people, and then have somewhere to sell or buy…[Read more]
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