
active 10 years, 10 months ago
  • 11 years ago


    Started the topic The Diary of D in the forum Diaries 11 years ago

    I haven’t kept a diary since I was little, and even then I had not written in it much. My childhood was common, met with happy moments and satisfied dreams. It didn’t concern me to write anything down as I was happy. Remembering my past brings back fond memories yet nothing worth writing down.
    How strange is it that now I’ve bought myself a silly…[Read more]

  • 11 years ago


    Started the topic Hello Hello~ in the forum Introductions 11 years ago

    Hey there! Necrobane here, or Nerco 😀 I’m still fairly knew to DE and the website but I just wanted to say hello~
    A little bit about myself, *clears throat* ahm! I’m a pretty friendly person that enjoys roleplaying. Its something we all have in common so thats pretty sweet right? I work from home, I pop online from time to time so I’m usually…[Read more]