9 years, 2 months ago
9 years, 2 months ago
allacarrd resident
I think that as long as there is open communication between the players and respect to the limits of the characters (or agreed broadening of said limits- this does happen when players have a good flow) there shouldn’t be a problem. After all, the bare bones of powergaming is when you limit the options of a player. Since you’re not worried about…[Read more]
9 years, 6 months ago
allacarrd resident
9 years, 7 months ago
allacarrd resident
Has blown up due to the ameture experiments that the owner was performing in his basement. No fire- just a boom and a hole in the ground.
Take care DE, and my best to you all
9 years, 7 months ago
allacarrd resident
I like Mera. I have never known her to be anything but pleasant. And she’s already a foodie. She’s got my vote.
9 years, 7 months ago
allacarrd resident
I’m going to throw in with Rize here, because her driver is deadly good rp. The Jade changes hands a lot, so I think it’s a fair test for her on the ‘stick to it’ level- and I am confident that she can …ahem… rize to it.
9 years, 7 months ago
allacarrd resident
9 years, 7 months ago
allacarrd resident
Takes an alka seltzer
9 years, 8 months ago
allacarrd resident
It wasn’t a new staff member.
9 years, 8 months ago
allacarrd resident
Deus GTFO my head. Seriously. Maybe if I had your skills I wouldn’t be pissing off so many folks, because I seldom read anything you post without saying,”That was what I was thinking!”
Obviously I have stopped caring about being ostracized. I expect that most people who don’t like me already HAVE. If I got banned from DE, I would still be in…[Read more]
9 years, 8 months ago
allacarrd resident
Gosh as a member of about 4 of the gangs that have dissolved, I guess I’d have zero reason to know why any of them did. How presumptuous of me. No, it wasn’t always powergaming cops; sometimes it was power/ metagaming enemies. Sometimes it’s because the rules aren’t clear on a sim from the start and are being spoon fed to them as infractions bring…[Read more]
9 years, 8 months ago
allacarrd resident
I am going to admit straight up that the super-cops are the main REASON I don’t commit crimes any more-or barely come out to rp. I don’t find it surprising at all that we have lost so many gangs in a few months.
9 years, 8 months ago
allacarrd resident
I have to agree with Deus. For a guy Maynard doesn’t like at all IC- OOC we about on the same page to the point where he might as well be in my head. Fact is that I do get involved in story arcs and invent temporary characters who can fuck off and die for some of these reasons!
9 years, 8 months ago
allacarrd resident
So I am reading this (takes me a while sometimes to catch up) And I am coming back to one point that was in the initial post- the over kill “Deus has injuries from the fight…the PD shows up, inflicts more injuries… people in the crowd show up, start throwing things at him…then the paramedic and his own girlfriend kick him…..then he goes to jail…[Read more]
9 years, 8 months ago
allacarrd resident
Screw It has a camera that is probably more of a threat that there IS one at all. It’s good enough to tell if your light or dark complected, give an idea of height, and maybe show some detail, but not much Black and white; no sound.
NPC Gina can probably ring things up, but if people aren’t being very obvious they can probably shoplift small…[Read more]
9 years, 8 months ago
allacarrd resident
Holy S&%t; I can’t intelligently respond to this tonight. I’ll end up missing some valid point.
What I can say to begin to respond:
I thank you for the kudos. I no longer have a crew and consider myself a freelancer on all my accounts. Yes! I play some alts. If you have been in on the story arcs, you probably know them all. But one thing always…[Read more]
9 years, 8 months ago
allacarrd resident
I’ve been out of the loop for a few months, so I have no real reason IC to despise many folks, Deus. And if one character has a hang up, I have another character lined up to go. I am not, however, going to further anyone’s agenda by making loyalties to anyone OOC. Period. I think that is my only real reservation is that some person out for DE…[Read more]
9 years, 8 months ago
allacarrd resident
I have got to the point where I have been in enough gangs that I am not sure i want to be in another now that the Syndicate is done. So in short- I have a few characters in DE, and I probably have the huckleberry for the job at hand in most situations. I’ll give it a whirl.
9 years, 8 months ago
allacarrd resident
I want to say first off, Thanks Kyo for making yourself so available and approachable. In the past I have never had an issue coming to you or any of the staff for a range of issues if I couldn’t solve them myself.
I have been on your side of the coin, spending hours in my office reading NC’s, mediating between arguing parties, writing either rule…[Read more]
9 years, 8 months ago
allacarrd resident
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