Mitchell Graves
Hello everyone. I am new to running a business here in Dead End, but I thought I would give my tips and opinion to running a business on here. I think the most important thing is to give people a reason to bring their characters into the store over and over again. If someone comes to the store or place of business and no one says anything to them, they are most likely going to find somewhere else to go. If you give them something interesting to talk about, even if they are not there to make a “purchase”, they will come back to talk to the workers. I think it is also important to play the business into the character. If your character owns a business, chances are that will be a major part of their life. So it would make sense to play that into a lot of role play so that it is treated like a real business. This is all my opinion and tips of course, and most I see on here seem to do a good job of doing their “jobs” in the business and having fun as well. Hopefully my business will do well and lead to fun RP in the future too! Feel free to give me any tips as well, I will take them all!