magnum vectoscope
8 years, 11 months ago
8 years, 11 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
@shade – good because i predict that its in your future.
@ming – well obviously we need to help tone it up for you then.
8 years, 12 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
you ladies are getting a little too big for your britches. keep in mind that i have two knees. one to bend each of you over. and i have two hands to spank each of your asses simultaneously as well.
8 years, 12 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
*grins* bring it on.
8 years, 12 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
that’s total bullshit. fine. i’ll just take my girls elsewhere.
8 years, 12 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
can i make a faction out of all of my murder victims? i could likely rig up some sort of steam powered gear driven machinery to render them mobile if movement is a requirement. i could prerecord some basic responses if they need to speak as well.
1. if the above meets requirements then i have around 46. whether they’re active or not is…[Read more]
9 years ago
Magnum Vectoscope
to any booth holders at the convention, we could use your banner templates back soon. thank you.
9 years ago
Magnum Vectoscope
20 prim allotment per booth for decorative purposes.
9 years ago
Magnum Vectoscope
id like to mention that this concept came about due to a conversation with kerri oakleaf. her ideas about a greater sexual focus of viral symptoms, in conjunction with certain specifics about the nature of the virus regarding dormant carriers were crucial for the birthing of this event.
9 years ago
Magnum Vectoscope
9 years, 3 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
i ve been eagerly anticipating this story line for some time now. its a very nice parallel to what im doing with my snuff videos and i d like to collaborate. i’ ll add input when i ve had time to think on it.
9 years, 5 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
thanks to everyone who put in the work to make this happen.
9 years, 5 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
bullshit. mag didn’t do shit. i’ve got five people that will say that i was at the international slutty grandmother yearly convention.
9 years, 5 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
after rereading your post rhyss there are a few things i feel the need to address.
first of all, I say it’s okay to mess with a character’s conesent – as that is what happens in Rape in Dead end. Character, as in the character played. I can gurantee you that almost any character that has been raped has not given their ic consent. I don’t believe…[Read more]
9 years, 5 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
we can agree to disagree then. we don’t seem to be getting anywhere in world or here. there isn’t much point in arguing in circles.
9 years, 5 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
let me also state that in the instances where i use aggressive language , this language is only aimed toward the topics we are discussing. no one should feel that my statements are attempting to wound or belittle them.
9 years, 5 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
i understand ryhss, and thank you for your compliment. allow me to revisit the point once more for the sake of clarity. when i state the following:
“this leads us to the social contract that is coupled crime and punishment in dead end. it is understood that when one enters jail consent to be there is expected. this is a fair expectation. there a…[Read more]
9 years, 5 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
rhyss your argument seems to focus on the part of my post that says:
“i would argue that the only person who can ultimately decide if and when consent is given is the individual who gives it. that’s not something we get to decide for them. because a persons consent belongs to them they are free to give and take it as they see fit.”
my a…[Read more]
9 years, 5 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
note that when i say social contract, I’m referring to the system in place in de regarding crime and punishment. I’m not making reference to the lengthy concept and definition provided in the wikis etc.
9 years, 5 months ago
Magnum Vectoscope
you make some good points jack, and i appreciate the kudos you tossed my way. as i stated previously, we are in agreement about most things including the treatment of dominant characters as they relate to jail. the treatment of an inmate should be even across the board, but ultimately defined by the limits of the person in question.
i would argue…[Read more]
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