lily martiel
7 years, 4 months ago
7 years, 4 months ago
lily martiel
Well, guess it was only a matter of time before my batshit side slipped out. I was behind the bar at Lulu’s (Which I’m now the manager of, weird) when this bird came in who I vaguely recognised. After asking her name I realised it was the girl who Roxy’d asked me to kick the shit out of for her after she mouthed off at Roxy or something.…[Read more]
7 years, 4 months ago
lily martiel
Okay so let me start this off by saying this thing is fucking stupid, okay? Bullshit like this never helps and it’s just annoying.
Anyway, back when I was a kid and got made to go to a therapist (ew) one thing he told me to do was keep a journal of my thoughts and feelings; to help me express myself. I got the date written down and…[Read more]
7 years, 4 months ago
lily martiel
If anyone has any questions feel free to chuck em over and I’ll be happy to answer!
7 years, 5 months ago
lily martiel
I mean I’m totes game on being in this!
7 years, 6 months ago
lily martiel
I brought this up in the OOC Group chat and Peni’s suggested that I be the one being the ‘interviewer’, so ima do some research and the like, do a trial run and see how it goes from there ๐
7 years, 6 months ago
lily martiel
So, flicking round on Twitter I saw that CD has started a “Humans of Hathian” series based on the ‘Humans of New York’ project; basically it’s a short piece written about a random person living within the city, them telling their story ect.
I was wondering; could something like that work for DE too? It could be tied in with the Dead End Daily…[Read more]
7 years, 7 months ago
lily martiel
Yeah, I can see this being a really good thing to put into the sim and I can see Nikolai and Roxy being able to pull this of spectacularly!
7 years, 7 months ago
lily martiel
Most hated character: Cesar, Roisin or Peni
Most loved character: Sylvi or Dee
Most feared character: Cesar
Most infamous character: Bean
Most unpredictable character: Bean
Most innocent character: Nuku or Bex
Most enjoyable to victimize: Peni
Most enjoyable to fall prey to: Cesar or Scilla
Most unlikely relationship (friendship, romance,…[Read more]
7 years, 7 months ago
lily martiel
Lily Samantha Martiel. First part’s kinda obvious to pronounce but the last name I’m sure I’ve been saying wrong myself. I pronounce it Mar-tel, without the I.
Name came about because my account was originally my ex-girlfriends and she used the alias “Lily” for everything. Martiel came about simply because it was one that popped up on SL’s last…[Read more]
7 years, 11 months ago
lily martiel
Hell, I’m game!
8 years ago
lily martiel
Can one of the supports at least be named the “Lily Martiel memorial support”? ๐
8 years ago
lily martiel
I think just after Christmas there was a massive dip in-sim but it’s definitely picked back up the past week or so. I don’t know if this is something usual for this time of year but it certainly seems more or less back to normal now.
8 years ago
lily martiel
This’s got a thumb up from me, sounds like something pretty interesting, (Plus it’d give me a chance to dress fancy, heh)
8 years, 1 month ago
lily martiel
Thankies! Again, been here about a month now but thought I’d do this anyways.
8 years, 1 month ago
lily martiel
So, I’ve been in the city now for a couple o’ months and thought now would be a good time to introduce meself (Better late than never).
I’m Lily and I’ve a feelin’ a few of ya ‘ave already seen me about (and a few more have already punched me in the face); I’m that constantly leather clad punk bird with the British accent and the bad…[Read more]
8 years, 2 months ago
lily martiel
At this rate I’m gonna have all of DE after me by the end of the week.
8 years, 2 months ago
lily martiel
8 years, 3 months ago
lily martiel
8 years, 3 months ago
lily martiel
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