krazyxtc Resident

active 8 years, 3 months ago
  • 8 years, 4 months ago

    krazyxtc Resident

    I usually try poking people in IM before I just give up. Sometimes I’m guilty of going slow, if I stay on for too long. But usually, just talking to someone makes it better. Either they explain that they’re going to be slow, and you’re not wondering, or they realize they need to hurry up. Generally, IC posts, I try to do within 6 minutes. When I…[Read more]

  • 8 years, 4 months ago

    krazyxtc Resident

    I think the idea sounds better when his character explains it, to be honest. He’s done scenes where he’s mentioned making the attempt, and just waiting to find out “if the bank will give him the loan”, asking people close to him if they’ll help out and work for him if the loan gets approved as a way of getting support without breaking character.…[Read more]