CeetNaku Resident

active 8 years, 6 months ago
  • 8 years, 6 months ago

    CeetNaku Resident

    my first day on here, i dont remember who it was but it was me and this other person, and we got into a fight about how many times we could poke someone with a needle in IC chat. i won because the other person had to go for irl reasons, and i poked everyone on at the time, all of it in character.

  • 8 years, 7 months ago

    CeetNaku Resident

    so is there anyone that wants to be my twin sis here on de? im a 2.1 meter tall redheaded scott/irish with a large rack and am hermaphroditic. id love to set this up. Im looking to do this in order to start some more rp’s and have a bit of variety in them. i liive in the pacific timezone so i live by sl time and by that, im usually on around 10…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 1 month ago

    CeetNaku Resident

    Thank you all for your input! What I first posted was a rough idea, it is open to change, like what princess has said. I think that would greatly help. And it wouldn’t be a necessary group or chat to join if you don’t want to. As I said this is to get those, for one, whose characters might not even go out much, or for two, those who cannot play…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 1 month ago

    CeetNaku Resident

    Basically the idea is that we have an IC chatroom, where people can talk like in the OOC chatroom, but they are in character, they would have different tags then their names, so like for me my name is Alice brathsha, but my tag on it would be ceetnaku. That way nobody would know who everyone else is unless they tell someone else IC. The point of…[Read more]