10 years, 5 months ago
10 years, 6 months ago
alyst Resident
I’ve finally managed to make my way through this thread. I think I’m somewhere in the middle of this debate…
I like DE being violent, but I stand by everything is better in moderation. Yes there are people who are solely here to beat the hell out of people, cause fights in bars and just random, uncontrolled ‘chaos’. I see more 911 calls about…[Read more] -
10 years, 7 months ago
alyst Resident
10 years, 7 months ago
alyst Resident
Welcome back! you’re always welcome to come back and work at Kink Ink!
10 years, 7 months ago
alyst Resident
I’ve always tried to RP with anyone who comes my way, be it a noob, a visitor to the sim who’s trying to get a feel for how DE ‘works’ or just someone I’ve never encountered, but I will certainly do a bit more to go out of my way to help those out who definitely need it. Challenge accepted!
10 years, 8 months ago
alyst Resident
I’m looking forward to this, as it adds in a touch of realism that seems so desperately needed. Would there be a way to alert perhaps some of the business owners if a particular person skips out on their bond, maybe to keep an eye out for them and call the proper people?
10 years, 8 months ago
alyst Resident
I completely back this proposal. I love Andi’s RP and frankly the Red Herring seems completely right up her alley. While it’s widely known that the Red Herring has the laced goodies, I’m wondering if the idea of being more illicit with the drug trade and the laced goodies will bring more.. PD into the Herring and Andi herself more vacation time in…[Read more]
10 years, 8 months ago
alyst Resident
I fully support this. Would it cater to only those public servants (the cops, medical staff, fire persons) or would you try and unknowingly pull citizens in off the street, entice them with your menu in hopes of maybe some off the books interrogation?
10 years, 8 months ago
alyst Resident
Adding in my two cents, I also vote for the consensual option as well as the other ideas expressed above. Some people go with the flow and a visual cue would greatly help and I like the option to have something like the sim owned businesses, you could click a sign to be ‘unofficially’ admitted and get the gown you desire. Correct me if I’m wrong,…[Read more]
10 years, 9 months ago
alyst Resident
I also fully support this. I’d definitely like to see a new approach to the Massage parlor because, since it’s down there on a street by itself I’ve seen a lot of people miss out on it. Add in the fact it could very well bring in RP into the RLD, I’m all for it. Lyss can always send her ‘workers’ to Madi for reminders of where they work.. and Madi…[Read more]
10 years, 9 months ago
alyst Resident
10 years, 9 months ago
alyst Resident
I wholly support this.. even if Ruby and Madison ICly… don’t get along, hehe. I definitely want to see more people flowing into the RLD, and this’ll hopefully give people some incentive to come down. I agree with Uncle Bob there. RLD, and especially the dark room and be extremely intimidating.. and it’ll benefit Kink Ink in a way, as Madi can…[Read more]
10 years, 9 months ago
alyst Resident
I thank everyone for their support 🙂
Lyss, I am not overly talented when it comes to making things like tattoos and putting them into SL. It would awesome if I could, and it would most likely further enhance RP if I could give you what you’re asking for, but for the most part, it would just be simply RPing the ink, or piercings and if someone…[Read more]
10 years, 9 months ago
alyst Resident
I really like this idea, bringing Pizza Slut back to life, more or less, sounds like a great idea and I know Dove a little bit through RP. Love the Hooters idea as well!
11 years ago
alyst Resident
remind me to buy a gas mask before I head back into work…
11 years ago
alyst Resident
The broken nose, blackened eyes and the wrench came from the same person so.. MAYBE you should avoid just one darkened alley in particular, hmm? hehe
11 years ago
alyst Resident
As for the DMV, unless you wanted to RP a crooked NPC giving out information, you could always get a hold of one of the actual license holders and see about an inside source that way. Someone who has had work done on their vehicle, or had to have it ‘retrieved’ and cannot pay their costs, so they have to work it off by being forced to spy and…[Read more]