Wolf Attack at the Shelter for Abused Women

Home Forums Municipal Departments Police Wolf Attack at the Shelter for Abused Women

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Profile photo of Lynx Debruyere



Incident Time and Date:
Approximately 1:30 pm, Thursday 2/23/12

Incident Location:
Shelter for Abused Women – Dead Drop

Officers Attending:
Lynx Debruyere, Shade Manx

Alleged Offense Committed:
N/A - Animal attack

Further Action:
Increase patrols around the vicinity of the shelter to ensure safety, and to look for evidence of human involvement in attracting, feeding or antagonizing the animal

Syn Rosa

N/A – wolf

Aurelia Mal'veah

Items Stolen or Taken:

Weapons Used:

Evidence Recovered:

Summary of Events:
Syn Rosa made a call to 911 concerning a vicious wolf outside the shelter. I (Lieutenant Debruyere) arrived on the scene at 1:41 pm and observed the animal standing near the front steps. The wolf snarled at me and showed its teeth, and I fired a taser shot at it; the shot connected, but did not have much effect, probably due to the wolf's thick coat. I radioed for backup, and the wolf lunged at me. Ms. Rosa came outside in her wheelchair and attempted to fight the wolf off with an orthopedic crutch, and at about the same time, Aurelia Mal'veah threw a rock at the wolf from behind me. I approached the wolf again and was able to subdue it with pepper spray, at least until Ms. Rosa, Ms. Mal'veah and I could get inside the building to safety. I radioed for backup again and included a request for medical assistance since all of us were affected by the pepper spray. Officer Manx subsequently arrived on the scene, along with a blonde woman who later identified herself as a Red Herring employee. No one at the scene needed immediate medical attention and the wolf left, but almost certainly was not fatally injured and could return. Neither Ms. Rosa nor Ms. Mal'veah saw where the wolf originally came from.

Signature of Reporting Officer:
Lynx Debruyere

February 24, 2012 at 2:35 am
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