What You need know to Purge this weekend.

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Profile photo of shade-manx



Starts Friday Morning.. Look for times in 911 chat.. Ends Sunday at midnight.. Also look for times in OOC chat..

The Purge Riots Things to Remember

1. Fires still need admin approval, that being said.. We will be approving a lot, as long as they are small dumpster fires and the like.. Larger fires will require that FD is on hand.. They will be working in a limited capacity during the weekend. That being said.. The FD does want to work their fires.. It makes them happy.. Owners of businesses and homes NEED to be asked before you start a fire.. No one wants to have their RP shot down because of random fires.
2. The rules concerning weapons allowed on the Sim still stand. But there are some lifts on restrictions on length for this event only.. After it is done put away the torches and swords.. REMEMBER!! If you break out a Katana and you start to swing it at people, don't expect those people to take a limb or weekend ending hit.. Ask before you give an injury that could ruin someone else's OOC fun.. This goes for ALL personal limits..
3. The cops will NOT be responding in any capacity to calls.. They will be locked out of their own systems, they will not have riot gear of any kind.. They might be seen tossing a moltov cocktail at something that has pissed off that officer as a person.. For the weekend there will be no DEPD, unless an individual officer decides they want to play it that way.. The DEPD is more likely to just stand back and watch. Arrests are not possible, and the follow up paperwork is going to be lost, unless victim, suspect and the officer all decide that reports and follow up investigations are needed.
4. The Press, National spotlights will be on DE.. This means that the press will be there, pulling CCTV and other things like that.. After the events, if you want to get investigated, or have a PD or other kind of RP in mind.. Please take some pictures and write a report of what CCTV fotage or other things like that picked up.. If the DEPD can we will investigate, but only if you request it from an officer.. Otherwise, it will slip between the cracks.
5. Revenge and things like that.. After the purge there can be revenge Rp and friendships made.. PLEASE take this chance to get your store perked up.. These sim plots are used as a pick me up for characters who have gone cold and things like that. Meet new people.. beat them up, take their stuff and rape them.. It's part of the fun!
6. Have fun! Don't focus on things going wrong or right during this Rp.. The entire thing is about having fun, expanding your horizons and making story... We all RP for story, and we all want story.. Please have fun.. And PLEASE REMEMBER PERSONAL LIMITS!
7. If you don't want to be part of the Rp, please IM attackers or people playing it, and say as much.. Later Rps with the PD, are going to be lost paperwork unless both parties are okay with an investigation. The idea behind a Purge style RP scenario is actions without police consequences please remember that as you take part in this Rp, and the after effects Rp to take place in upcoming weeks..
8. Please come to us if you have ideas for sim plots.. Prohibition, cults, and this purge Rp have all been brought to the table by players just like you! That is what makes DE the awesome RP sim it is, is that the players have a say in what happens. Ideas brought to me are usually worked into a sim plot by working with the player who has the idea.. Not every idea works, but a lot of them do..

Thank you and have fun!

Shade Manx, and the Dead End Storyweavers... Leads, and all the awesome people who make these things happen!

Bussiness that are allowing damage...

When you damage these businesses, remember they need to be ICly left standing.. Nadir will kill us if we need to do a sim rebuild, and no one wants to die...

Pawn Shop - Xelan ok'd complete ransack.. Double check with shade as potentially sim-owned.
Kink Ink - Mollie ok'd ransacking (broken windows, trashing the joint.. no fires/totaling)
Iruzemi's/Lulu's - Kyo OK'd Iruzemi's to get ransacked, Lulu's to get ransacked
Roughhouse - Titi ok'd Light looting.
8s - burn it.
Jade - Song wasn't on.
Herring - burn it
Massage Parlor - Lyss - So long as the walls are still standing..
Detection agency - Rho - CLOSED still
Dark Room - Shye ok'd anything that can be repaired...
DEMH - Light looting
Cinema - Tasha - Wasn't on.
Garage/Ground Zero - Dee ok'd Garage being hit .. Surplus being knocked down (though, I think they have their own RP for that)
FD - light looting (booze in lockers)
Head Shed - Ransacking - booze hidden in shampoo bottles
Do or Dye - Ransacking - no fires or totaling.
The Jury Room- Burn it
DEPD-External Damage okay, Inside locked and not able to enter.
Dead End Courts: Minor damge and fire
Law Offices: Minor Damage and fire.
Non-Manager owned businesses(Icky, Hotel, Spunks, Diner, Pizza Slut) - Light looting to ransacking, whatever you wanna OK

Would recommend people NC their damage (not the rp, just a summary) and send them to me and I'll distribute to the owners on Sunday

March 26, 2015 at 8:58 pm
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ming yheng


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March 27, 2015 at 2:47 am
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March 27, 2015 at 10:13 am
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