#VoteDionLambert Rally 6-10-16

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Bedlam bedlamb-dionysus 8 years, 9 months ago.

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((this it a raw log. ICly this scene was video tapped. It is likely that the shoults wil ocsanaly be heard but not the regular conversation.))

Dion on stage

[2016/06/10 21:37:57] Dion Lambert (Bedlamb Dionysus) clearing his throat, "Sorry I don't got a PA tonight so if you can't hear me in back come forward a bit... just watch out for the Camera... I want to make sure we got something good to send off to the Media after words. thank you all for coming... I know there are a few of you that made it to the debate... earlier this week... and some of you I know better then others but thous of you I see here are the first to publicly come out to support me... and I look forward to getting to know you all much better.... We all know the desperate times out city is in... we all know why this election is happening"
[2016/06/10 21:40:23] Roisin Fitzgerald (Chanda Feiri) glanced at Bean " That's nice Lass." she said as she heard Mich start to scream, and really didn't pay attention to the woman behind her. She went to turn only to see Mitt. She glanced at his chest first as she heard Shay needing to leave. Then slowly rose her gaze over his features. She offered a button as she didn't say anything more. She was sure her mouth was going to get her into more trouble.
[2016/06/10 21:40:38] Melangell Lambert-Bellic (Koosh Lilliehook) blink look and raise of a brow at Pagan silently asking with her expression 'why are you talking about this now?' Looking to Dion as he started though whispering somethign back to Pagan close to his ear as to not disturbed whatever was beign said. though did get a small idea and tried to bite down on said ear briefly to see if Pagan would yell out and disrupt things. Grin when seeing Mich all happy and yelling out really getting into this.
[2016/06/10 21:41:39] Kirvi Caspian (Alexa Pixie) pffted Bean and then started laughing, "Alright, you be good, lil' monster." she tried hugging her again before turning to walk closer toward Dion to hear him better, especially over Michi's chant that seemed to echo to her. She joined in, "Lambert 2016! Gold poop for all!" she beamed.
[2016/06/10 21:41:48] Bean Newport-Yheng (Xhex Darkfire) feels the arm slip around her and she moves the cane back to try to rest it in Michi's crotch.. "The head of this can has 100,000 volts going through it, about the same as a cops stun gun.. Take ye hand off me or your big one's gonna be a crispy critter.. " she says, but her voice is for once a whisper.. "Fuck the commies, we need anarchy, man can only be free if there is no systems.. Chaos breeds a better tomorrow." she says, As she tries to hold the cane right where she had it.. That dark smile on her lips as she looks at Michi as if she was going to blast him into tomorrow.. Which, she might.. but she does head that way with him..
[2016/06/10 21:42:27] Desmona Delwood was looking around and would check out shay's behind for a momment staring before she look back over to whispering to herself "booooo dion booo" but afterwards she went"goooo dion."a little louder.
[2016/06/10 21:44:36] Michiaki Yamaguchi (Takahiro Muhindra) laughed at Kirvi's 'gold poop for all' when Bean's stick was on his crotch making him lock eyes with her briefly, "Heheh.." awkward. Arm comes off. He'd have a discussion with the lightning rod whielding psycho later. He would plant himself, and was grinning broadly and jiving to some tunes in his head when he heard Spike, "Huh? Oh!" he turns and sees the camera, "My bad..." giving the camera a big toothy grin and the devil's hand sign, holding his tongue out into the cam like he was on spring break then moved. "Vote Lambert! Do it!" He quiets as Dion speaks.
[2016/06/10 21:44:49] Simone Sinclair (Criss Reifsnider) claps with her hands up above her head and urges on the crowd as a cheerleader "We love you Dion!"
[2016/06/10 21:45:13] Pagan Newport-Yheng (Pagan Ghostraven) he caught the look and was about to tell her but waited to hear what she was whispering first, he also was trying to listen to Dions speech as well, and he tried so hard not to laugh,'' not now..but'' back to leaning close to whisper again, amused by what mela was saying but caught off guard that mela would bite, but all that came out of him was a gasp and try to shove mela without ripping parts off, if he could do that he would shake his head at her
[2016/06/10 21:46:29] Ling Lee (CWLingLee Resident) finds her perfect spot and starts to jump up and down, making her sign almost fall off and certainly making things...bounce. "DION! DION! DION!Crack the whip!"
[2016/06/10 21:46:35] Dion Lambert (Bedlamb Dionysus) keeping his smile up as he continues to speak. "Our city is falling apart... its by a miracle and the grace of the gods its not literally crumbling around us... and its not crime its not drugs... its not prostitution that are doing it to us... its those that had the power... some of those that are to be blamed for this are gone... and will face justice and punishment... there is no way we can let them get away with what they did to us... to our city... But there are more out there that where apart of it.... and they will be found and punished... unfortunately have little faith and many of thous that held power to do this... There are some.." His hand gesturing towards Pagan, "That have power right now... that I do trust to truly be seeking retribution..."
[2016/06/10 21:47:20] Spike McNeil (Nurdbot McNeil): "Thanks man...." he nodded with relief swiftly taking action getting the best angle of Dion's upper body zooming in on him time for the majority of his speech before slowly zooming out ensuring once more he and the girls were in the perfect angled shot a moment, editing could deal with most of the background noise a moment leaning slightly into the camera. He blinked briefly as Ling began to jump with excitement her boobs eagerly popping lightly from the top of the sign. He shot a brief grin at Simone.
[2016/06/10 21:49:28] Melangell Lambert-Bellic (Koosh Lilliehook) frowns , her look still on Dion while he talks trying to pay attention though Pagans words make her just stare right at him instead for a minute. Even the joy of catching his ear in that bit was lost as he said that. Pagan's ear staying on as pushed slightly away more.
[2016/06/10 21:49:52] Bean Newport-Yheng (Xhex Darkfire) giggles as she feels the arm slide off her.. "you chose wisely" she says, as she turns her head to Dion watching the speech.. As the crowd starts to cheer, she joins in.. "Go Dion Poop lord and master of things that bring Justice!" her high ptiched voice should carry well.... "He wont touch you on the bus like other candidates!! STRANGER DANGER!! " she pauses.. "Wait not that last one"
[2016/06/10 21:49:59] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (MitternachtVernichtung Resident) cocked his head to the side as Roi offered him a button, and was surprised that things hadn't gone pear shaped, and to be polite, he reached out and took the button, giving Roi a polite smile and nod of his head. "Why thank you Roi. I shall put on the other side," and his smile turned a little lopsided at her. See...completely mellow.
[2016/06/10 21:51:19] Simone Sinclair (Criss Reifsnider) applauded and whistled as she continued to urge the crowd on, she caught Spike's grin and blew him a kiss with and waved. "Vote Lambert...he's the man!" she also jumped around, following Lings lead.
[2016/06/10 21:51:35] Pagan Newport-Yheng (Pagan Ghostraven) completely missed that Dion was pointing at him cause of Mela, reaching up and holding his ear, but so he isn't the one to cause trouble he moves himself away from mela, down the bar a little ways and stands there to lean on it and watch Dion for now
[2016/06/10 21:51:55] Bean Newport-Yheng (Xhex Darkfire) adds another shout because her writer was getting into it. "Vote Dion! The candidate least likely to wear your panties.. Sorry Pagan"
[2016/06/10 21:53:12] Desmona Delwood couldnt help but to chuckle at Bean shaking her head.She would lean against the wall arms crossed over her chest watching covering her mouth slightly making a face.
[2016/06/10 21:53:20] Spike McNeil (Nurdbot McNeil) blinked briefly in the camera eye piece as Simone blew him a kiss and then began to bounce with Ling, both picking up and syncing with each other. It was quite hypnotic. He'd send Dion a second copy of that footage later as well.
[2016/06/10 21:54:10] Ling Lee (CWLingLee Resident) yells back at whoever made the panties comment. "That's because women don't wear them around him! He's that much man!"
[2016/06/10 21:54:53] Roisin Fitzgerald (Chanda Feiri) knew she was rude to Kirvi, but she snapped when the woman shoved her boob in her face, and pointed out the obvious, embarrassing her more. Though expecting this same reaction, she was met with a smile and watched him take the pin and place if on the other side of his shirt. " Aye, ye' are welcome! Looks lovely on ye too." She said as she beamed up at him, as she listened to Dion's speech. She would turn catching movement as her eyes went even wider as she noticed Pagan, she even felt her jaw drop.
[2016/06/10 21:54:56] Dion Lambert (Bedlamb Dionysus) Wetting his lips as he takes a breath and gives a moment for cheers. "Now because of the thieves that me and some others... seek to replace... our city is financially ... well fucked... there really is no other way to put it then that... We need to raise more money for the city... or soon things... like our bridges... our buildings... will crumble... so not only Do I hopefully with the aide of other like minded people..." Slight pause as he casts a questioning glance to Pagan. "Swear that I will not let the hunt for thous that robed and stole form all of us... our city get away... I swear I will do everything in my power... even if I have to lobby to the county... to the state... where ever I must... I will push for legislation to fill the city's dwindling coffers... And I will say this... the taxes and the litany of unjust laws that where dug out of mothballs to do this already... are not the way... they must all go... so no more of antiquated blue laws..."
[2016/06/10 21:55:13] Melangell Lambert-Bellic (Koosh Lilliehook) follows Pagan with her eyes and then backs away to stay close to him and whisper again. Trying ot keep looking like she was stll paying attention to Dion when she clearly was not.
[2016/06/10 21:57:47] Michiaki Yamaguchi (Takahiro Muhindra) looked over at where Dion pointed as saw Pagan. "Who's this guy?" he murmured. He determined a candidate, looked vaguely familiar. There was a lowering of his sign some when the message of retribution was high. "What about the weed?!" he rose his voice. Bean seemed pleased he didn't turn it into a sex vs sex match in the middle of a rally. He hadn't even noticed Roi snuck another button on his hoodie. "I don't give a shit about retribution. I want fuckin weed. And those laws to fuck off. Those gay laws..." he looked at Mitt a moment, "Uh.. you know what I mean.." he said after saying 'gay' like it was bad. Looking at Ling he grins at her comment. "raise it.. fuck that get in with the cartel." he muttered under his breath. 22 and thinks he knows better. "What's a mothball...?" he asked Kirvi leaning in to her. "they sound like tiny moth balls.. haha.. tiny moth ball laws are tiny."
[2016/06/10 21:58:49] Simone Sinclair (Criss Reifsnider) makes devil horns with her fingers to send a satanic message the Illuminati supports Dion.
[2016/06/10 21:59:14] Pagan Newport-Yheng (Pagan Ghostraven) taking his hand down checking to make sure hes not bleeding by looking at his glove, he heard Bean but didn't say anything, now it felt like eyes are on him as he noticed the look from dion, trying to shake his head as if it was all good, he so did not trust mela not to bite again as he lean back, now noticing Roi was right next to him, arching a brow at her,'' what the..'' now hes distracted Roi was suppose to be dead, was he seeing another ghost, he made a face and look to Mela,'' you see her right''
[2016/06/10 22:00:39] Spike McNeil (Nurdbot McNeil) kept a straight face mostly despite hearing everything around him and seeing the girls getting a bit too wild, not yet after the speech! he whispered at them both raising his hand briefly over his head and glancing at their signs a moment. He had a flare for the dramatic. Slowly he zoomed in on Dion for the next part of the speech.
[2016/06/10 22:01:17] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (MitternachtVernichtung Resident) smirked a little at Roi's reaction. Mitt was not one to blow his cool unless you got aggressive. "Why thank you Roi. Nice of you to hand out the buttons," he told her, though he didn't know she was being made too."When her attention turned to Pagan, Mitt looked up at Dion, and whistled out. "Hell yeah. Those need to go!" He shouted out, agreeing with Michi too. And no, he wasn't sensitive to being called gay or bi sexual or pink or purple. He had a thick skin.
[2016/06/10 22:01:22] Desmona Delwood: is offline.
[2016/06/10 22:01:57] Kirvi Caspian (Alexa Pixie) laughed against Michi's shoulder, "We want weed, we want it now, we want weed, we want it now! Fuck Blue balls and fuck blue laws! she clapped her hands loudly hearing Dion's propositions. "Break this suffering from this bridges collapsing! Vote Dion wooo!" she laughed harder when Michi asked what a moth ball was. "Oh baby. It's a smelly ball that neutralizes odor smells like old people's vaginas." she explained so assuringly. "Get rid of mothballs Dion!"
[2016/06/10 22:02:21] Bean Newport-Yheng (Xhex Darkfire) turns her head to watch Mela going with Pagan.. A dark smile on her lips as she looks at her brother.. She is watching, but kinda paying attention to Dion.. "Woohoo Blue laws!! Wait.. Not that.. " she sighs and looks back to Dion.. "Down with bad stuff" she calls out, trying to sound like she was paying attention.. She hears Michi ask who Pagan was and whispers. "That's my bro, the DA.. " she says and wiggles her eyebrows like that means something.. "NOt that it does me any good, I got put in the asylum for a year.. But like.. Now I have paperwork to prove Im crazy, which is nice.. people dont expect things from me.." she says, and giggles as she turns her attention back to Mela and Pagan..
[2016/06/10 22:03:32] Melangell Lambert-Bellic (Koosh Lilliehook) sighs as pagan doesnt say when. Glancing back at Roi, "Sadly she is still alive. Feel free to stab her and make sure. I have yet to acutally do that but cant really do it currently.....too bad I got no blood..." More mumbled and thens ays out more loudly, "Go Dion!! Dion for City Council!"
[2016/06/10 22:03:58] Dion Lambert (Bedlamb Dionysus): : smirks thinly before he goes on, "What I will propose and fight my and lobby my ass off for will be for the legalization of vice... We all know this city... lets be frank and honest here... no bull shit... this town loves three things... It loves its drugs.... It loves to fuck... and it loves to fight... So I say if its safe as booze... or safer... like weed... we make it legal... simple as that... If both people are consenting adults... there is no reason they shouldn't be able to pay for sex... and for that fighting urge our city has... lets expand the legality of our gambling... if the fighters of this city can make good money with out worrying about our nationally known for its corruption police department giving them hell... we let people gamble on them fights..."
[2016/06/10 22:05:35] Bean Newport-Yheng (Xhex Darkfire) calls out, "Hooker fights!! We need to make this happen.. Two crak whores fight it out to see who can suck a dick for a five spot!"
[2016/06/10 22:05:57] Spike McNeil (Nurdbot McNeil) nods his head approvingly at the speech, he did like booze, consenting crazy sex and the occasional gamble on horses. He zoomed out now to get Ling and Simone back in the shot.
[2016/06/10 22:07:00] Michiaki Yamaguchi (Takahiro Muhindra) looked to Kirvi as she explained it, arm goes around her as she's hooting at Dion. He smiles boldly "Woo!" he looked puzzled a moment at how a smelly ball could stop smelly stuff. All this hooting and hollaring was awesome. Bean chimes in, Kirvi too, Mitt, it was a fuckin war on everyone in his mind, he wanted so badly for them all to march through town with torches and set fire to everything now. That would show em? When Dion mentions the legalization his fist rises, "Hell YEAH!" he liked all those things. "Safer!" Mich burst out laughing at 'five spot'. "hahahah! WOOOO! Battle of the Hookers!" It was clear what kind of crowed Dion was attracting. Maniacs and rapist, drug dealin hedonists.
[2016/06/10 22:07:24] Roisin Fitzgerald (Chanda Feiri) nodded her head towards Mitt, as she was polite towards him, " If you'll excuse me please." she said politely as she turned her attention to the voices in teh back ground , but hearing Mela and Pagan her head whipped around as she now had a heated glare. " Aye, I am dead!" Part of it was true. " God knows why I am back here though, and such a shame huh .." She turned to them both. " Do you want to stab me Pagan?" She inquired as she moved over towards Pagan, as she grabbed a button and tried to slap it over his chest. There was pain in her eyes, and betrayal, all the times she begged for his help here he was on the same side she was now on. " Have a button pagan. " she smiled and turned to Mela. " I need to go. I passed out the buttons like you asked me too."
[2016/06/10 22:08:30] Dion Lambert (Bedlamb Dionysus) taking a breath and a moment to wet his lips, "We'll have to tax them all... cause despite how much I enjoy all three of them things as much as anyone here... Our city is dying... our home is dying... its bleeding out around us.... we need to to bring people back... we need to grow... we need to give people a reason to invest their time and money in to this city... one that we all clearly love... maybe not as much as we used too... but we do... and any loses of love there is in our hearts... its because we saw something great crumble around us... and we are watching it bleed dry at our feet..."
[2016/06/10 22:10:13] Pagan Newport-Yheng (Pagan Ghostraven) he was not so sure mela wasn't messing with him, as he stares at Roi,'' wait what? no Mela'' really was trying not to be loud right now, not that it maters with others shouting things they wanted from Dion, he finally gave Roi a sight smile even at the question,'' now why would I want to do that..'' now it seem roi was trying to draw blood, getting jabbed witha button, he can't help it now and if he got funny looks for it he didn't care right now, he attempted to slap Roi right across the face, if he was able to,'' huh..nope you are real''
[2016/06/10 22:14:17] Dion Lambert (Bedlamb Dionysus) lets the somber moment settle in for effect, "But We... we DeadEnders... are a tough lot.... we don't cry and run when things get tight... when they get rough... We put on our big boy and big girl pants and get to work... and thats what we need to do... we need to fight for our city.... and find thous that have failed it and make them know the price of that failure...."
[2016/06/10 22:14:23] Bean Newport-Yheng (Xhex Darkfire) screws up her face at taxes.. she slumps a bit she was gettign into it there for a moment, well, she was also looking at Mela and Pagan.. SOmething was up.. the dark smile on her lips only countered by the evil in her eyes.. As Pagan goes to slap Roi, the look turns into one of a woman on a mission, that mission might be evil, considering the joker smile on her lips, as she moves towards the scene.. Her fingers moving the cane, not for the stun gun at the head, but towards the button that drops the torn apart switchblade from the bottom of the cane.. She does not push the button yet.... She respects Dion enough not to stab his help while he is recording a speech.. Bean for City Council, putting people first..
[2016/06/10 22:14:57] Melangell Lambert-Bellic (Koosh Lilliehook) thankfully Dion supporters were loud enough to cover some stuff going on this way. Fully agree with dions message and yelling out, "Dion brings back goodness!!! He brings back weath!" Grinning as she saw both pagan get jabbed and Roi possibly slapped. Liked seeing them both happen. "Serious..... stab her.....I don't care right now...she needs to learn her place and if you want her as a dummy to hurt then im all for it. "
[2016/06/10 22:15:42] Spike McNeil (Nurdbot McNeil) winced slightly as Dion brought up the dreaded taxes peering briefly a moment over his shoulder trying to judge the mood of the crowd before focusing back on the man as he kept going through the speech on the stage.
[2016/06/10 22:16:03] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (MitternachtVernichtung Resident) heard the commotion behind him and turned his head, and spotting a potential issue, Mitt moved silent and smooth over to Roi and Pagan, and keeping his voice low, "Is there a problem?" Then it happened. He knew what Pagan would do once the button jabbed into his chest. Seeing Pagan go to slap Roi, he automatically tried to grab the women and pull Roi out of the way. "Enough!" He hissed out to all three of them. "Can't we behave for one damn night?"
[2016/06/10 22:17:10] Derek 'Virus' Dravonicci (Phoenix Sabahi): is online.
[2016/06/10 22:18:14] Ling Lee (CWLingLee Resident) starts waving her arms right to left over her head and swaying her hips in time. The crowd's enthusiasm is infections and she is starting to sweat from the heat of all the bodies. "Dion! Dion! Hookers for Dion!"
[2016/06/10 22:20:49] Michiaki Yamaguchi (Takahiro Muhindra) looked in awe at that last thing Dion said, it was profound, Kirvi and Mich had only been there a year or so, but yeah, his mouth parted and he looked perplexed and concerned, nodding slowly and agreeably. Taxes was a word that didn't inspire anything though. So though he agreed, it was subdued. "Taxes tho.." he murmured. Blah. "Tax the cops!" he raised his voice, "They took and are taking all our money! Mitt and Shay got sued over some dildo candy! Sue the fuckin cops back! Fuck I hate cops." he grumbled that last part under his breath. Mich looked at Kirvi, then past her, at Mela, then to Pagan, hearing Bean behind him, his head tuns to look at Spike then back up at Dion. Mitt hollared 'enough' and he glanced back to see a commotion. He looked at Kirvi again, brow knotted. "Hookers for me too gods damn it. This ain't about polishing someone's dick, this is about the city, and what we want.." Mich felt finished at that point. Something wasn't right for him. "I gotta go have a smoke a blunt.. be back in
[2016/06/10 22:20:49] Michiaki Yamaguchi (Takahiro Muhindra): a few.." he said tossing his sign down on the bar and headed outside.
[2016/06/10 22:22:24] Spike McNeil (Nurdbot McNeil) gestured for Ling to get ready to take off the board at the end of the speech now, nodding briefly in agreement with Michi about the cops. He kept the camera focused now on the man lips pursed in determination to see this through.
[2016/06/10 22:22:25] Roisin Fitzgerald (Chanda Feiri) had a moment of satisfaction as she stabbed him, as her eyes were wild and full of anger suddenly at pagan. Perhaps she didn't handle it well, as she just heard Mela tell him to stab her. Even after he said wait, and what, it was too late and her expression changed again, this time to regret, but she never had time to even say she was sorry, as She felt Mitt behind her grabbing her, Pagan slapping her face, and not even realizing Bean with a blade drawn on her button. She turned to look up at her, as Mela continued to talk about how She needed a good beating. She suddenly began to struggle in Mitts arms as her anxiety levels rose.
[2016/06/10 22:23:53] Desmona Delwood steps up a ltitle bit closer to the front so she could hear a bit better her arms crossed over her chest glancing over to the woman she remembered as Bouncing Bean giving a small wave to spike to say hello.
[2016/06/10 22:23:56] Dion Lambert (Bedlamb Dionysus) taking a breath again, "Now many of you know that I have more then one woman I call my wife, only one of whom is so legally... and I know I'm not the only one like that in this city.... Because why should we just stop at bring back past glories... rebuilding what has crumbled... when we can forge it anew into something better... may have to go to to the state make it happen but I swear that I will do what I can to find away to make those things that many... more of whom live out side of our city... by far... legal... even if it is just here... I want a work towards a day where I can with out threat of retribution and prosecution... be able to say I... or any of you... have more then one legal spouse... I want to make sure that it is just not the social network of our city but the laws it self that protect any of us that haves or hold a lifestyle that else were can make us persecuted and jailed. May be its not needed here... maybe I want to do to much but that is what to achieve for us... to give us
[2016/06/10 22:23:56] Dion Lambert (Bedlamb Dionysus): something the rest of this square assed nation does not have."
[2016/06/10 22:24:41] mikatsu quietly steps in, having heard there was some sort of rally tonight, and hangs out at the wall, watching nd listening
[2016/06/10 22:25:11] Pagan Newport-Yheng (Pagan Ghostraven) he was tempted to do what mela was suggesting, catching Bean had started to come over and now mitt, '' I would if this woman right here could manage it for once..maybe a bridal bit would help'' gesturing at Roi and yes he made a pony girl comment, turning his blue yes over at Bean trying to shake his head since mitt was man handling and pulling roi away,'' didn't realize I would need a body guard '' he reached up to pull the button and fix it onto his waistcoat he would so wear it for now
[2016/06/10 22:28:07] mikatsu spots des in the audience, and chirps happily, walking up to the girl, and saying "you forgot these, love" then holds out a pair of panties to Des, smiling brightly as they dangle from her finger.
[2016/06/10 22:28:21] Melangell Lambert-Bellic (Koosh Lilliehook) blinks to Mitt and then trying to still lsiten to what dion was saying. Missing some of it though. Frown as Roi starts up getting antsy, and not realizing Bean was coming their way now or even looking over there. Quietly saying to Roi, "Shush now. We will have to talk later. " Glancing at Michi going looking at tha toddly and Des and Mika coming in. Texting something out to Mitt so he would only get see it and then catching soemthing from someone else. Answering them back too. "Maybe it would..."and you dont need one Pagan. "
[2016/06/10 22:28:26] Kirvi Caspian (Alexa Pixie) stepped away from Pagan and Roi, curiously watching the fight. She couldn't help but crack up laughing at what Pagan said about the girl when he made that ponygirl remark. "Shit, wait I'm coming with you." she called to Michi and started to dive out for a smoke too
[2016/06/10 22:29:29] Bean Newport-Yheng (Xhex Darkfire) watches as Mitt moves in, her eyebrow cocking as she watches, the dark grin still on her lips as she moves to the side, and slightly back.. Not taking her eyes off the action.. her cane behind her back slightly as her finger rests on the trigger to pop out the blade.. She hears Dion and gives a shout of.. "WOOOHOOOO HAREMS!! Sign me up for the group sex" because, she knew that she came in to a lot of eyes on her.. Its better to look distracted.. but, of course, Pagan knew she was up to something and shook his head at her.. She screws up her face as she watches still. Anything goes wrong, and she is in there.. But as Dion talks, she shouts still. "Bring on taxing the whores for polygamy!" But yeah, her attention is really on the two women and her brother.. Wait, that came out wrong.. Or did it?
[2016/06/10 22:29:34] Desmona Delwood blinks turning to look at mika.Her cheeks would go 10 shades of red "oh my gods! did you have to right here!"she would grab her panties quickly from Mika ,her face redder then the devil's ass.She had never been so embarassed.
[2016/06/10 22:30:39] Spike McNeil (Nurdbot McNeil) briefly turned his head and gave Desmona a brief tired smile and wave with a free hand a moment, eyebrows raising upwards catching sight and sound of the nearby commotion...."The fuck/" he murmured confused.
[2016/06/10 22:31:22] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (MitternachtVernichtung Resident) not wanting to hurt Roi, he tried to bear hug his arms around her body, and get his mouth close to her ear. "Calm down, Roi, not now, just keep it together for a little longer," and he really wasn't trying to be a brute with her because he had a feeling that it would just make it worse so he tried to make it into something non threatening. The rally was not the place for this and he was a little annoyed that everyone couldn't play nice. He felt his phone go off but he was a bit busy right then. Hearing that Bean was not off to his side, that did not make him feel better, and he could feel his demon waking up and crawling forward.
[2016/06/10 22:33:10] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (MitternachtVernichtung Resident): was off to*
[2016/06/10 22:34:19] Pagan Newport-Yheng (Pagan Ghostraven) he was just satisfied he had to go slap roi, and he didn't at all look as if he was bothered by what was going on, calm as he sorted out his button then smile on his face,'' there now it's on right'' as if nothing happen, he glances at Mitt still holding onto Roi though, letting him do his thing he tried not to be any more rude and turn to listen to the restof what Dion was saying if he even can, also eying Mela for a bit
[2016/06/10 22:35:31] mikatsu grins at Des, "well, they are just a scrap of cloth, didnt think you would mind so much... ... you might catch cold without anything covering that hot little box... " she says, then looks to the crowd, seeing one eyed willly and bean, a few others she recognicezed, but it was not her crowd... "just dont go losing them again, I may not find them next time... the cook was trying to make a special base for the food with them..."
[2016/06/10 22:38:11] Roisin Fitzgerald (Chanda Feiri) Mitt may or may not have felt her heart racing now, as she heard Pagan mention a bridal. " Come on Pagan, do it!" she taunted him, even though Bean was screaming about what Dion was talking about. She sighed as she still felt the sting across her face, Turning her attention towards Mela she knew she was going ot be flogged. Her gaze glanced downwards as she stopped struggling, hoping Mitt would let her go so she could try and escape.
[2016/06/10 22:39:09] Dion Lambert (Bedlamb Dionysus) had noticed there was something going on by the bar but he also knew the camera was rolling so kept on going. "I know there is not much I have said that many of the other candidates haven't also said... the question is... who do you trust to do right... to actually get it done... who do you trust with the power?" Wetting his lips hoping the conflict transpire at the bar is about to sooth down. "Now I want to know if any of you have any questions... If you have one come foreword so the mic can pick up what you say... want to make sure the Local news gets a clean video and audio when I send it to them..." Putting some extra stress on his words at the end there to try and remind people that there is a camera and a mic in the room recording.
[2016/06/10 22:40:21] Andi Bayne (KittyH Resident): is online.
[2016/06/10 22:40:30] Melangell Lambert-Bellic (Koosh Lilliehook) smiles to Pagan to let him know that he wouldn't get anything more form her right now anyway and a hard glare silent glare to Roi putting her finger to her lips. shaking her head and then trying to concentrate back on dion.
[2016/06/10 22:40:58] Desmona Delwood grumbles"You could of waited not in a crowd of people ...."she blushes red and shakes her head"i have no where to put them right now"she mumbles holding onto her panties in her head blushing as she looked foward so hoping DFion had not notice.this woudl be even more embarassing had he.
[2016/06/10 22:42:11] mikatsu looks to Dion, and steps up, to raise her hand for a question... then looks back to Des, "well, you could always put them on, love" before turning back to the Scottish Mr T
[2016/06/10 22:43:10] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (MitternachtVernichtung Resident) nope. Was not fooled by the stopping of her struggling, and he held onto Roi if he could, and laid his head along side hers unless she pulled away. "Roi," he started out. "You and I should go and sit down upstairs and chill out. I am not going to hurt you if you just calm down and do what I ask. I give you my word on that," and he continued to keep his voice and soothing if he could, and his body up close against Roi, almost as he were just being cuddly if anyone were to look. And he still did not get a chance to look at his phone just yet because he was afraid to take his attention from Roi.
[2016/06/10 22:43:38] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (MitternachtVernichtung Resident): low and soothing*
[2016/06/10 22:43:48] Pagan Newport-Yheng (Pagan Ghostraven) he shook his head as he glances over at roi briefly,'' you would try to beg me for such a thing wouldnt you..'' he almost rambled on at Roi being the reason hes celibate, but she don't even need to know that or anyone standing close enough to hear him, he would of stated something but then dion had to say come to the mic, he hated public speaking so he might not do that
[2016/06/10 22:44:00] Bean Newport-Yheng (Xhex Darkfire) turns as Dion asks for any questions.. She raises her hand. "Yes, Mr Lambert, what would you do with the tax money you get from the hookers, and would you make the hookers get monthly screenings, kinda like a Clean Twat Intuitive?, or would it be more like a Clean cunt act?"
[2016/06/10 22:45:18] mikatsu cheers bean, and adds "yeah! and what are you going to do about cops harrassing poor innocent hookers just trying to make a living?..."
[2016/06/10 22:45:24] Bean Newport-Yheng (Xhex Darkfire) mumbles.. "Would you need to get Blue Waffle Reports emailed to ya?"
[2016/06/10 22:47:44] Bean Newport-Yheng (Xhex Darkfire) adds, because she is having too much fun.."And how would you know what ones were good or not, like some sort of a Cooch Crunch Commity?"
[2016/06/10 22:48:28] mikatsu grins..."dont forget to ask if he will handle the exams personally Bean!"
[2016/06/10 22:50:15] Roisin Fitzgerald (Chanda Feiri) kept her head down as she seemed to submit, but was far from submissive. " Aye, Mitt. That's fine " she said as she no longer held the box of buttons and tuned out anything else. She raised her head up as her dark stare now turned to Pagan as she continued to hear the soothing voice of Mitt. She didn't trust anyone but she wouldn't fight them either.
[2016/06/10 22:52:14] Dion Lambert (Bedlamb Dionysus) gesturing towards Mika, "Please come forward... I don't believe we have met... you have a question though?" Then hearing Bean speak he looks to address her, "Any money we can raise through the legalizations I want, will go to rebuilding the city infrastructure, a percentage will have to set aside, something the city comptroller will have to workout... asueming there is not cause to suspect that person being part of the laundering that bled us... will be set aside to make sure we don't have massive infrastructure failings like we did less than a month ago.. as for the workers themselves... the facilities where they work and the workers themselves will need a license and STD screening will be a regular part of that... I have worked... as you well know Bean... in porn for many years... and I will take the skills and knowledge I have depleted there to keep my stars safe to the legal prostitutes of the city...." Chuckling at Mika's comment, "I'm not a doctor... we should have a doctor handle that..."

[2016/06/10 22:55:15] Bean Newport-Yheng (Xhex Darkfire) giggles and shrugs.. "He's got a point," she says and turns to the camera.. "And dont forget to pick up your own copy of Bean Bangs volumes one through fifteen at a porn shop near you.. I still get royalties on those and I'm going broke" Yup, just some shameless self promotion there..
[2016/06/10 22:56:34] Pagan Newport-Yheng (Pagan Ghostraven) he was getting ideas as he listen to Dion, but would every now and then glance over to see if Mitt still had hold of Roi, he would wait until the camera is off before he went to give his ideas to Dion later or he might just keep them to himself for now, as he watched he noticed another new face near the stage
[2016/06/10 22:56:48] Desmona Delwood taps her chin'that reminds me i should really see if there is any money from the barely 18 film i did."she says to herself shrugging."What will you do for the little person Dion?"she asks"the one down on their luck, how will you help them out?"
[2016/06/10 22:56:52] Melangell Lambert-Bellic (Koosh Lilliehook) short stare at Roi again just turning her back as Mitt help roi, and wasnt really worried about getting attacked as Roi probably new better. Shaking he rhead at Bean and the other girl. "wow...your sister might have soem competition in the crazy wierd ways pagan...."
[2016/06/10 22:57:07] Desmona Delwood: and sticks the panties on mika's head with a smirk*added*
[2016/06/10 22:58:47] mikatsu looks up to Dion through the filmy black material and asks, as the panties are draped over her head "will run by panty headings also be legal in your eyes, Mr Lambert?"
[2016/06/10 22:59:39] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (MitternachtVernichtung Resident) wanted to duct tape everyone's mouths shut right then but he kept it under wraps. The song Fur Elise, started going through his head, and he counted the notes of the song to keep himself calm. Then he gave Roi a small hug, when he heard her saying she would go quietly but he still wasn't convinced, so he said softly to Roi, "Remember Roi that Bean is here, and that little cane of hers is not just a fashion accessory and you just pissed her off by shoving a pin into her brothers chest," and so others didn't think he was being threatening, he made sure to give a soft little smile. Hopefully that would be enough of a deterrent for anymore issues from Roi. Then again, he knew the woman had a temper...soooo...best of luck? Trying to move the mayhem upstairs, Mitt, if allowed, started to move them both towards the door that lead upstairs to the offices, keeping his arms loosely around Roi if able.
[2016/06/10 23:00:46] Sara (Garland Whitfield): is online.
[2016/06/10 23:02:09] Dion Lambert (Bedlamb Dionysus) looking to Des, "I started and though I do not administrate it any more, I spend a lot of time working with and for our local shelter... As councilmen I will work to strengthen programs to get thous that live there and places like it work... as a councilman my ability to fund raise for that charity and others will expand and grow..." Chuckles to Mika, "as long as they are in good fun and no ones gets hurt in some way I don't see why they wouldn't... "
[2016/06/10 23:04:12] mikatsu slips up behind Bean, and tries to hook the panties on her cane while it is swinging around... then whistles innocently, having razzed the troll king long enough, and asks Des "does he have a jewel in his navel?"
[2016/06/10 23:05:04] Roisin Fitzgerald (Chanda Feiri) would turn her head up as she listened to Mitt and knew Bean was nearby, she knew what the woman was capable of but her heated gaze was on Pagan and the betrayal she felt. She didn't keep her linger on him for long as she was being hugged, by Mitt and lead up the stairs not saying a word as Dion continued to give his speech. " Yea well he deserved it." she said softly towards Mitt as she was hoping that they had left the room by now and headed up at the stairs.
[2016/06/10 23:05:20] Bean Newport-Yheng (Xhex Darkfire) turns her head to check on Pagan and all that, the dark smile returning to her face as she watches everything... "Have you ever considered hosting a full on filmed orgy, under your administration, could this be a city wide project to raise funds for the Feed the Little Fucking Birds and Stuff like that fund? " She pauses as panties are hooked on her cane, and giggles.. As she stares at them for a moment.. She shakes her head..
[2016/06/10 23:09:29] Pagan Newport-Yheng (Pagan Ghostraven) he was having a hard time thinking with all these weird questions that he felt a little bad for dion, though never know he might be amused, but he blinked a few times as he realized what Bean was saying,'' why does everything have to be all about sex'' half grumbled under his breath, then had to say it louder,'' what the city needs is people like Dion and myself who are dedicated to city and been around to see all the up and downs..what works..crap that don't'' now he went quiet, he so needed a drink before he really rambles
[2016/06/10 23:09:32] Desmona Delwood looks over to mika"yes and if you rub his head you can make a wish."she smirks speaking quietly to her . She burst into chuckles as the panties were placed on Bean's cane, her hello kitty panties to be exact"Nice panties bean!"
[2016/06/10 23:12:09] Melangell Lambert-Bellic (Koosh Lilliehook) now watches Bean a moment as she saw Mitt and Roi heading up the stairs. Looking at that cane and odd blink at those panties hanging form it. so wierd and random. Smirks and looks back to pagan. "Whats wrong with sex? sex is great......sex is everythign that makes up the happiness int he world. Well partly makes it up." Shruggign after and being really random herself just totally tries for a kiss right on Pagan's mouth. No idea why she felt like doing that but thought just entered her head so she did it.
[2016/06/10 23:12:30] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (MitternachtVernichtung Resident) seeing no one stopped them, Mitt did indeed go for the door and up the stairs to the upper most office, the one with the computer that played porn :D.
[2016/06/10 23:13:50] mikatsu mutters to herself "willy the one eyed wonder worm, going up"
[2016/06/10 23:15:17] Pagan Newport-Yheng (Pagan Ghostraven) he made a face as Mela of course had to hear him say that but what she said,'' nothing is wrong with it..I just chose to have nothing to do with it and it is your freedom to do what you want with your body..and'' blinks at Mela before she got close enough, he tried to reach his gloved hand up to stop Mela with a grab at the front of her neck, not to choke her but doing his best not to let her kiss, though mela would be inches away from his mouth,'' what are you doing''
[2016/06/10 23:15:40] Bean Newport-Yheng (Xhex Darkfire) hooks the panties with her fingers and giggles as she looks at the Hello kitty on them.. She shrugs and pulls back on the elastic on them and tries to shoot the panties at Dion.. She then hears PAgan and looks at Dion and then to Pagan.. Kinda confused at this sudden team work.. She just stares.. "Lambert and Yheng! Candidates with the balls to get it done.. ALSO the only candidates with balls. Like in the literal hanging around smacking themselves in the thighs when they sit down sense.. Equal rights! Keep Testicles in office! Vote Lambert, A straight white male to get the job done. Dion for Council, because sex is bad,,, MMMkay" She has no idea where she is going with this shit.
[2016/06/10 23:17:23] Dion Lambert (Bedlamb Dionysus) looking around the arena, "Well this would be a decent place for that... I mean would need load of pillows to say the least... but yeah could work... tie some people on the rings cages.... may have to keep the bar a no go so people have a place to rehydrate at... but I think something like that would fly off the shelves... and it could raise a lot of money to rebuild this city potentially... but our troubles are much bigger then what one hot selling porno could make..." Looking to Pagan smiling a but broader "Thank you Pagan... your one of the only of my cocandidates I hope to work with once elected... and look forward to working with..." Gesturing to Mela, "My wife is right sex is good... we should be free to have it how we want... any law that keeps us back or holds us at bay... is crap... But I think its getting late and...will have to call it for the night... again thank you all for comeing... and in the spirt of the founding fathers... the beer is on me enjoy..."

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