Victim found outside of Lulu’s

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Dead End Police Department Incident Report

Incident Time and Date:
2/21/12 15:57 Dispatch time

Incident Location:
In front of Lulu's

Officers Attending:
Shade Manx

Alleged Offense Committed:
Kidnapping.. Forced drug use..

Further Action:
Victim denies rape.. States she was beat up and given heroin.. a further interview may be required.

ʀҽɳ (grennith.greggan)

Rock (??)) Unknown age big guy, biker build, a lot of tattoos,

Alexxa Fensen ((Alexxa Fensen))

Items Stolen or Taken:

Weapons Used:
butterfly knife

Evidence Recovered:
blood tests for traces of drugs.. Tested positive for heroin..

Summary of Events:
Details sketchy at best.. but the basic run down is that the victim was taken, from an unknown location and brought to the hotel in DE.. She was given five shots, she says the last two hurt.. the witness states that she heard screams through the walls and tried to kick in the door.. She was cut and passed out.. She was able to wake up in time to see them riding off on a motorcycle... She later tried to confront the man on his motorcycle, but he drove off... Victim was found outside of Lulu's with the word cunt cut on her stomach. Unconscious, Officer Manx working as a paramedic issued first aid and medications and then got the statement..

Signature of Reporting Officer:
Shade Manx

February 22, 2012 at 1:20 am
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