Vice Squad

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The IC Bit

(A circular notice sent out to all officers during briefings)

Due to a slow but steady increase in the sex and prostitution industry within Dead End a new Vice Squad is being rolled out. This is a new concept for this police department but we [Captains's Morrisey and Ehrler] believe this will best equip all of us to control and protect the public from any adverse affects such an industry can bring. A hand picked selection of officers will be chosen to form the new department as soon as is possible. It will be a dedicated task force of four officers headed by Captain Ehrler.

As a general note, this department will coordinate and carry out any operations pertaining to paid sexual acts and the production, distribution and monitoring of pornographic materials in and media form within the DEPD's jursitdiction.
But we would like to stress that ANY officer can carry out day to day duties revolving around prostitution including general intelligence activities but only members of the Vice Squad are authorised to carry out targeted and pre-planned operations against any business or person involved in vice.

Officers interested in joining the new task force should contact either Captain Morrisey or Ehrler as soon as possible.

The OOC Bit

The Vice Squad idea really requires regular players, whose characters are corrupt but, sensible with it. I've been in contact with Bedlamb and Fae already about RPing with them and their respective factions, both are more than happy to have us on board. When the four players are selected i'll go through with them IC'ly what's expected of them but for now and for the benefit of everyone i'll give a quick run through:

Lucy has been in secret meetings with the leaders of the vice industry within DE and has got most of them on side and signed up to her Freemason-esque circle, the Vice Squad will support the industry more than try to keep it in check, they will be a sort of controlling force but will mostly be as bad or worse than those criminals they're supposed to keep down.

Bedlamb has agreed to send me a list of his current girls and keep me updated on new ones as time goes by so we will always have an active list of 'girl's on the books' making it easy to target those players for harrassment and turning tricks, or whatever you want to play out with them as crooked cops.

They will take bribes, supply girls and drugs to the brothels, ensure the factions are well protected and carry out covert operations on the say so and planning of Lucy or Eph.

The one main thing that should spark RP and help newcomers is my idea to arrest new comers who play the role of troublemaker or drifter and if they're OOC'ly willing to do so, be officially bailed, only to be not released and sent on to the clients for training and eventual use as slaves/prostitutes etc....

I'm really hoping to see this little sub-faction take off.

June 10, 2011 at 10:15 pm
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