Vecen Verex

Home Forums Introductions Vecen Verex

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of vecen-resident vecen-resident 9 years ago.

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"Dead End Michigan.... who would have fuckign thought the buckeye kid from west Columbus would wind up in the heart of rival territory... haha, yea right, save the college football bullshit for someone with the time, I have mountains to move."

Vecen was born with two other siblings. Vecen has a younger brother Veury 'Dac and their sister Keillaili. The trio born to a mother and father deeply invested in the world of politics and information exchange. The family large shareholders each in the Defense Contracting company their father started.
Vecen joined the Army in order to get away and find his own way in the world without being in the heavily oppressive regime of his fathers world, especially in the high stakes world of defense contracting, multi billions dollar contracts made and lost daily, Vec just wanted simple. Once he had finished his tour in the Army Vecen had joined with the CPD in order to "make a difference" as he so often naively put it. His actions and the pressure of his family eventually leading Vec to want to find somewhere his family would never reach him... old stories of Louisiana always coming to mind Vec looked into the lands... finding Hathian.. a place they would never go... Vec eventually moving and settling into the life there. Vec had found himself not used to the lifestyle and the people Columbus being no safe haven either but it was nothing compared to the lawlessness of Hathian... Vecen had suffered many traumas in his time in Ahthian.. eventually even contacting his family and beginning to rise back into the family trade of cloak and dagger along with information selling and collection.

With the rise of the family business politial heat became worse.. Vec himself suffering from a mental break of sorts... His trauma to alevel that he was having identity crisis on daily occurance, his habits random, his behavior more and more extreme. Vecen eventually had to leave.. the company branch his family had forwarded the money to open, collapsing from political pressure. Vec, lost and with nothing to lose ran.. years spent staying no where longer than a week and even then that was extended, eventually though... his ear low to the ground he snuck close back to home... Michigan, the last place he would think but close enough to listen for the drums of war from his family.
Now here Vec sits.. .waiting for his brood to collect his head.. or for old scars to finds his flesh and finish what they had started. An elitist and narcissist, liar and manipulator Vec has very few cares when the objectives he has are at stake... Save for very few extenuating circumstances.
Vec is a practicing lawyer in Dead End with forged credentials in Law, nothing about him is real, the only truth is the family being involved in Domestic Security...

and yea.. I did one super late... was feeling type-ee))

January 28, 2016 at 1:16 am
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