Usage of DEPD NPC's

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Vanora Blackheart vanora-blackheart 10 years, 7 months ago.

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Profile photo of Vanora Blackheart



Hello DEPD,

I wanted to adress some things concerning NPC usage within the DEPD. As we all know the police force is actually bigger then the player base of cops we have. For reasons that are simple explained.

1) If there no cops online NPC's still command the DEPD building and the area's around the HQ to keep it "safe"
2) Usage within scenes like the CSU and SWAT NPCS. Depending on the situation we can call in CSU NPC to process evidence for Yheng and her team to review later when there not around. SWAT NPC's are normally used to block roads and access points to a crime scene of high risk to cover the player NPC's and are only used by Shade Manx.
3) Patrolling NPC's. Cops CAN use to one NPC to be with them on patrol but command discourages this. We got more then enough PC's that are actually active cops so we will only use them in dire need.
4) Desk duty NPC's. NPC Like Bob and Hank or dispatchers. There used by the respected person that created them. As Bob is a share it around in the DEPD he will always be in the HQ to assist people when cops are busy with innmates or paperwork and still want to help other people.

On that note I want to remind the people NPC Cops do wear tazers with them like any other cop. There pretty much a player cop just control to give out support. Mostly around the HQ of the DEPD. Also note that citizens CANT control cop NPC's. There only to be controlled by DEPD members. For reasons that are simple. It pretty much is common knowledge a criminal cant take over the NPC a cop uses to control a scene so they can use it on the cop. Its not possible. If it happens. The officer in question needs to send a notecard with the ordeal to
1) DEPD Staff
2) Admin Staff

Depending who is online and will review the ordeal. I once again want to remind cops to refrain from using NPC's to much. Which also to be said as Marty has said a few months ago. ONE NPC COP pro player. Not more on a scene. And if there enough cops on the scene the only thing cop NPC's will be doing is securing the back ground. They will not get involved in fights.

I hope this was more the clear to anyone in the DEPD how the NPC's work. If there questions or remarks. I will update this topic.

Lt Blackheart.

August 1, 2014 at 5:29 am
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