Tony ((Old Player Returning for some more fun.))

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Profile photo of doc



Antonio Genovese

Sitting with a masculine grace, the man before you shined a lazily glare in your direction, greeting your inspections of him with his own slight interest in you. Your eyes couldn’t help but flutter to his, noting their ocean blue green radiance. As the surrounding light caught within his orbs they would shift slightly in colour, either favouring blue or the deep green which slept in his gaze.

Heavy Sicilian black curls would be tamed with hair grease, slicked back into a manageable style. But it would be common for a few strands to still go rouge and stand out of place. For the most part his hair kept with the traditional medium length of his forefathers.

All the while eyeing you silently, allowing you to continue your appraisal of his appearance, he held a noble air to him. Politely grinning as he acknowledges your admirations of his olive skin, and shyly paying homage to his own interests in you.

With a wave of his hand the unknown man invited you to sit with him at his table. Unlike anyone else in Lulu’s bar he sat without a drink. Rather in place of a glass he held onto the Dead End newspaper which he folded neatly up with your arrival.

After slipping the neatly folded paper into his back pocket he would rest his full attention upon you prior to speaking in a velvet smooth voice, “Hello, I’m Antonio, I couldn’t help but notice your interest in me? Which led me to invite you to my humble table,” animating his hands to bring his words to life as many Italians do while they spoke.

“How old are you,” you find yourself asking: [AGE] “Well, how old do I look,” he jested playfully as the sharp corners of his lips tightened into a smile. “To be honest, I tend to tell people that I’m only 26,” the way his accent laced into each word made them seem smooth and almost roll off his slick tongue.

“What Race are you,” questioning him in a soft voice: [RACE] A polite smile would smooth over his pale caramel lips before he spoke, “I like to consider myself Italian, but some Italians wouldn’t agree to such a simple answer. So, to appease them, I am Sicilian.”

“Could I ask what your Sexual Orientation is?”: [Sexual Orientation] A glowing red blush would warm his cheeks at the question, his eyes would divert away from yours in the obfuscations of being shy. In truth the man was very confident and was a skilled actor, and everything prior to his answer was a simple performance, goading you in perhaps? “My, my,” he spoke with a naturally seductive grin given the topic, “how brazing of you to ask such a question of a stranger?” Levelling his gaze back to yours now, “But I do admire your courage and for the sake of conversation, I will answer you.” Placing both of his elbows on the table before him propping up and lacing his fingers together. Resting his chin upon them elegantly, his fingers acted like a basinet, holding his chin perfectly in place while leaning forward as he spoke just above a whisper, “If you were to ask Gianna she’d explain it better then I could ever. But I only enjoy the sweet comforts of women. Something about their, “lips,” drive me to hunger for them, their soft curves demand my fingers to explore, and their innocents,” sucking in a breath through his parted lips as he relished the idea, “ it places me in a position to orchestrate the devious corruptions of my desires,” chuckling lightly as he sat back upon his stool comfortably. Openly, his eyes grazed over your features and appraised them against his desires for the night.

“Have you ever been in trouble with the law?”: [Police Reports] Clearly the topic change wouldn’t be welcomed. Frowning his brows slightly, “You can excuse yourself from my table now, it was a pleasant conversation up until this point.” Somehow the smile he shined towards you held an unseen sting to it as he politely waited for you to leave him alone once again. “I said I’m done with you,” the tone he uses emphasized his determination to have you depart from him and even hinted to a malevolent threat.

((Sup DE! Looking forward to Rping with many of you. So far many of you have been AWESOME! Shout out to Gianna, Lynx, Marek, Nahyli a.k.a Marek’s girl (sorry for botching your name hun), Lucy, Anja, Braedon, Ami, Candy, Vix, Sedge, Lin , Eph, and my boy Yama. Cool moe-foe’s ))

(Character Concepts: (Tv shows): Eric Northman [True Blood], Sunny & Michael Corleone [The God Father]. (Books): The Prince (A.N. Roquelaure’s, [The claiming of Sleeping Beauty]) Sunny & Michael Corleon (Mario Puzo’s [The God Father]). (Comic books): Lex Luthor [DC comics aka yes I’m a nerd ]

April 3, 2011 at 8:32 am
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April 3, 2011 at 12:18 pm
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April 3, 2011 at 3:42 pm
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April 3, 2011 at 8:34 pm
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April 4, 2011 at 4:17 am
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April 4, 2011 at 5:11 am
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April 5, 2011 at 9:53 pm
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April 8, 2011 at 8:59 am
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April 8, 2011 at 10:21 pm
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