Time for reflection by us all

Home Forums General Discussion Time for reflection by us all

This topic contains 15 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Shivering Moonshadow Shivering Moonshadow 9 years, 9 months ago.

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Profile photo of titiV Resident



Recently i have noticed a pattern thats becoming more then a bit alarming. Rather then pointing out people personally i think it would be much better if we all take a look at ourselves.... our rp and how it effects everyone around us. RP is give and take. We in DE for the most part are friends and many of us have been for a long time. Its saddens me when i see things happening. People getting so wrapped up in their own charecters and story lines that nothing else matters including those around them. Give and take, ya cant win them all, there is no end all to be all in DE. Cops cant win everything in a scene, gangs cant win everything in a scene. Be willing to give......not just take. When rp it dictated by one person, lets face it, the only one having fun is that one person. If people arent having fun.....whats the point of being here.

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xelan morgath


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Kim Akselbrad


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