Tiffany Hultcrantz’s Bio

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tiffany hultcrantz


Tiffany has had a very eventful life for a young woman of just 27 years. Her father was a police chief in a large Canadian city while her mother too was a police officer although she left the force to raise Tiffany, there only child. Tiffany was a student at Trent University in the small city of Peterborough, Ontario. She majored in English and History. Tiffany worked her way through school as a security guard. It was while working as a guard in a warehouse that Tiffany had her first life threatening encounter. One night will working alone in the warehouse, she came across two arsonists, paid to burn down the building for insurance money. The two men overpowered Tiffany, manhandled her before leaving her half-naked tied to a pillar in the warehouse. They set fire to the warehouse while Tiffany struggled to get free. Fortunately for Tiffany, the two arsonists where not as apt at bondage as they were in setting fires, and she was able to escape her bonds and escape just before the burning warehouse collapsed. Tiffany found that this brush with death had left a horrifying but fascinating impression on her. Although she felt so vulnerable, her arms and legs tied and most of her clothing torn away, the struggle for her escape was actually thrilling. The whole experience gave her an adrenaline rush and a thirst for danger. The incident would become very fateful as Tiffany searched for her life's calling.
Shortly there after Tiffany graduated from university a tragic event occurred as both of Tiffany's parents were killed in a car crash, the victims of a drunk driver. This left Tiffany devastated. if by way of inheritance, financially secure. She always resented this mindless breach of the law that left her alone in the world and she swore that that she would always fight for law and order. After the tragedy, Tiffany seemed to drift aimless in life as she went from security job to security job before she hooked up with a private investigation agency. This would provide an opportunity for another fateful turning point in Tiffany's life. While working as a private investigator, she found herself mostly investigated insurance fraud and missing persons cases in the Drifter's Passage. It would be while investigating these incidents that Tiffany would find herself again have brushes danger and death. Three times she would find herself falling to the hands of nefarious criminals who would each place her in peril. Three times she would escape in the nick of time. More importantly Tiffany would for the first time encounter the world of white slavery and forced prostitution. It would be an ugly scourge that she would swear to fight. The thirst for danger grew and Tiffany would lead a reckless life as she searched for missing women. She often put herself into peril and straddled the parameters of the law in doing so. In the notorious Crack Den she even shot and wounded a man who attempted to rape her.
Eventually Tiffany's investigations would take her to Deadend. It would be here that chance meeting with the hood known as RM would lead to yet another turning point in Tiffany's life. RM would attempt to abduct Tiffany claiming to be tying her up for a bondage photo shoot. The attempt was a failure. It would result in Tiffany taking a final stand in the battle against crime. Seeing that the town was in dire need of good police officers, Tiffany joined the local police force. She quickly rose up the ranks of the force and is now a detective.
Tiffany's work, both as a private and police detective, have left some noticeable scares on her psyche. Like many police officers, she feels overworked. She has become bitter, cynical and given to violent outbursts. This, and her determination in her job, has left Tiffany alienated from most of the locals in the Deadend. Tiffany has little time for a personal life and she is somewhat socially inept. She does not have a boyfriend although she is under the impression that some men do think she is pretty. Without either parents, siblings and few friends Tiffany has begun to realize that she is rather lonely. Tiffany has recently done a lot of self analysis. She realizes that through her desire to fight crime she puts herself into mortal peril to such a degree that it looks like she has a death-wish. Tiffany has been captured so many times that someone might suppose she even likes to be tied up. The fact is she does not like it at all. She actually once tried pleasure bondage, she found it revolting. Still she has re-occurring dreams of being captured and placed in peril. She finds this disturbing and realizes that she might soon need professional help.
Recently Tiffany as made great strides in her career. She as just been made Chief of Police and is trying to do memory of father proud.

July 31, 2010 at 8:41 pm
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