They have arrived…and will cleanse…..

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Deadend, the breeding pen of sluts and whores, the commoners.... They disgrace this planet, they should not belong...they must be removed...must be....removed.

The Ling-Chi are here now, the saviours of this insignificant planet, but as insignificant as it is, it is our home and The Great Old Ones are trapped here, it must remain. Therefore we are here, The Ling Chi. To clean...and keep it clean.

Ling-Chi: The Death of a Thousand Cuts

The foundation of the Ling-Chi cult:

The Great Old Ones are ancient (they existed already eons before the planet Earth was born) extraterrestrial beings of immense power, and most are also colossal in size. These entities seem to have a physical shape, but being cosmic lifeforms from beyond our space-time continuum means they are not based on matter in our definition of the concept, yet their forms are built on principles similar enough to those of true matter that they appear to be material in their nature. They are worshipped by deranged human cults, like The Ling-Chi, as well as by most of the non-human races of the mythos. The Great Old Ones are currently imprisoned—a few beneath the sea, some inside the Earth, and still others in distant planetary systems and beyond. The reason for their captivity is not known.

The Ling-Chi leaders are devout servants of Cthulhu, Cthulhu is the high priest to the Great Old Ones. Cthulhu lived ages before there were any men, and who came to the young world out of the sky. Cthulhu is depicted as : A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, flabby claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind.

Cthulhu is depicted as having a worldwide doomsday cult centered in Arabia, with followers in regions as far-flung as Greenland and Louisiana. There are leaders of the cult "in the mountains of China" The Ling-Chi is one of those cultleader's groups, spreading it's horror and cruelty amongst the people.

The role of The Ling-Chi in Deadend City:

We have our base here, disguised as a Chinese shop where ancient books, herbal 'medicines' and other rarities are sold. Above that shop is the Ling-Chi's office and preparation room which is only known by the common people as an acupuncture clinic and the workplace of the 'pain therapists' Jane Harrison and Ming Yheng.

We do business however, and it mostly consists of preparing girls for the submissive role they are going to perform for the clients who need them to be trained by people with the needed expertise.

Besides that we do what we are expected to do, cleanse the world of this unspeakable horror called 'slutty women'. We guide them towards the light by letting them feel true pain through severe torture and psychological confusion, only this will save this planet and hopefully diminishes the wrath of Cthulhu The Ancient.

Basically, we are a group of psycho serial killers, but with a strong hierarchial structure and extremely disciplined.

We are not a knife wielding, bar-fight loving gang, we are an undergound cult, we do not speak of it in public, we will not give anyone the opportunity to point a finger and say "There is one of The Ling-Chi !", we just don't exist to the world of the common people, we are chosen and we -will- follow our great leader and obey him.

Anyone wanting joining The Ling-Chi will go through some (IC) tests, as required by The Ancient Ones, those tests will only be revealed to the initiate, who is called Fãdòng , at the time of the tests. But be sure you don't have a weak stomach.....
Should the initiate fail for any of those tests, he/she will be sacrificed to Cthulhu.

The Fãdòng who has passed the tests will be promoted to Yiyuán, a full member of the Ling-Chi.

All Fãdòng and Yiyuán will respect the Ling-Chi's leaders, Ming Yheng and Jane Harrison, her partner. Disrespect or any mutiny attempt will be punished by immediate expellation and a curse inflicted upon the offender which will haunt him or her for the rest of his/her pityful life. The most common curse inflicted to such ...traitors... consists of rotting body flesh and muscles, as a result the body is slowly decompsing until it falls apart, which could take several years.

All Ling-Chi members -will- follow these guidelines at all times (These do not apply to the Leaders for they are the eternal wisdom):

You do not harm any commoner who is dressed decently, unless given case-by-case approval by one of the two leaders.
You will not speak in public about the Ling-Chi, you will not speak about or mention the name Ling-Chi to anyone outside the cult.
You will follow the orders of the leaders without questioning them.
Carrying any other weapon besides a knife to defend yourself is not allowed.
You will not abduct, torture or rape any member of the Ling-Chi, breaking this rule will result in immediate expellation from the Ling-Chi and the sacrifice of your worthless body Cthulhu.
Anyone who opposes the Ling-Chi actively must be eliminated.
A fãdòng is not allowed to have personal servants or 'training subjects' (in the Ling-Chi they are referred as Nú) within the Ling-Chi.
All other Ling-Chi members are allowed to have one or more nú's.

((Added to this, Ming has left the Jade Dragon Triad.....ICly she had a fight with Fangpi Quan and their views on the Triad differed too much for Ming to a result of that, and the shame of leaving her Family she turned into a mentally disturbed woman, still able to hide that mental change......))

March 24, 2011 at 12:34 pm
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March 24, 2011 at 1:19 pm
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March 24, 2011 at 7:38 pm
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March 24, 2011 at 7:58 pm
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March 24, 2011 at 10:22 pm
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March 25, 2011 at 12:41 am
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March 25, 2011 at 4:34 pm
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April 1, 2011 at 8:45 pm
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April 2, 2011 at 11:49 am
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