The world according to Barley: Jaywalking

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Profile photo of Barley Alsop



So Barley has her rants as we all know, some of which are quite entertaining and comical, so here i go. Now i thought it about time for a post of Barley's twisted thoughts on her favorite offense to cite.

The world according to Barley: jaywalking

In this lovely town that many of us have come to call home, there is an epidemic beyond imaginable proportions. It has reached such an intolerable level of ridiculousness, that i have found myself writing multiple citations to multiple individuals through out my long days at work. I even have repeat offenders who do it time and time again. Now you may be asking what is this horrible offense that i am speaking of. If i were to take a bet, i would bet that you are thinking that i am speaking of such atrocities as murder, rape, robbery, even enslavement of poor souls. But naye, this epidemic is far more serious then any of the previously stated offenses, which are heinous in and of themselves. I am speaking of jaywalking, yes jaywalking. Now to the average and everyday citizen this may seem like no big deal, but let me tell you this is not the case. One day you are walking down the street, and the next you are robbing the local bank. I mean where does the chaos stop? If an individual cannot follow a simple rule such as using a cross walk, what is to stop them from wiping out entire races of people for their own gain? Jaywalking is to genocide, what weed is to coke, yes it is a gateway crime. Now you may be sitting there reading this and thinking "but barley that is ridiculous." To that i say naye. It is not ridiculous. All crime must start somewhere, and the laws that hath been put forth upon this land hath been put there for a reason. That reason is to maintain order. Think, if we allowed people to cross the street where ever they pleased, imagine the chaos that would soon ensue. The traffic would come to a crawling halt, and the trucks that supply our fine shops who in turn will be able to sell there products. This would lead to serious and irreversible economic effects. We are talking about a complete and utter stalk market crash because you decieded to walk in the street. It's not just you, it's and your friend, and your friends friend, and pretty soon you have hundreds of people in the street!!! You can stop world mayhem and chaos, don't jaywalk.
This has been teh world according to barley.

December 26, 2014 at 1:49 pm
Profile photo of Barley Alsop



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December 26, 2014 at 3:37 pm
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cleo mavendorf


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December 27, 2014 at 8:59 am
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lucas bayne


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December 27, 2014 at 4:04 pm
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