the underground snuff video trade

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Profile photo of Magnum Vectoscope

magnum vectoscope


a while back, i started playing with the notion of a rp about a snuff video trade in dead end. initially it was something i was going to do with the depd, a few factions , and several individuals who would participate in the videos in various ways. since then, I've realized that this rp could be much broader in scope if there were individuals separate from my self who wished to partake in this rp. the possibility of all the twists and turns this could take with random involvement from various individuals in de seems like it could produce a lot of rp fun. below, i will describe my part in this rp without giving away too many spoilers, and also detail how others can get involved if they want.

videos, production, and distribution

all we really need to get started is a camera, and a victim. personally, i like to employ one or more camera operators so that i have both hands free . i can assure you that it has nothing to do with the fact that im an egomaniac who wants to be featured in the film as well. camera operators , make the scene interesting , because they add a variable to an already very intimate and sensitive situation. they're party to a very deadly secret. what if they get cold feet, or have a crisis of conscience? what if they threaten to go to the police or decide to blackmail you? a camera operator brings an interesting dynamic to any snuff video.

when choosing a victim , i usually go for a good role player who enjoys very dark play and has an alt they don't mind sacrificing. it's very rare that i kill a main. people work hard on their main characters, and develop them over years and years of play.. killing a well developed main character is detrimental to the player and the community they play in.

if you're a serial killer on a budget like me , then you ll probably do most of your production on your laptop. magnum doesn't have access to a studio, and he certainly doesn't have the funds to pay for studio time even at the reduced cost of a studio thats criminally owned and operated. his videos are written to blank discs from wal mart. any graphic design is done in gimp , and then printed on his printer. he uses various delivery services to ensure that his videos arrive anonymously. those of you who are involved in organized crime on the other hand may have the recourses to create and distribute content with more efficiency and at a much greater volume.

each video i make is delivered in the form of a mesh cd case with artwork on the cd that pertains to the video. inside there will always be a notecard that links to a slide show that attempts to outline the experience of watching the video that myself and others have rped out prior. i dont personally have the capabilities to create real video, but i think it would be interesting to see if someone else did. in addition to being a fun little prop, these videos can also serve as a form of currency. the value of course would be determined by how many copies were made and how many were in circulation. the killer in particular might also lend value to the film. i ll be sending them out as no copy, no mod, yes transfer, but will be happy to send additional copies to those who wish to rp distributing them.

undercover police work

assuming the underground snuff trade blossoms there could be a need for undercover cops. snuff collectors, trading clubs, directors, producers, and distributors will be operating deep beneath the surface. collecting incriminating evidence is likely to be difficult without wading into the murky waters of the depraved. as far as i know ,(and keep in mind you could pretty much fill the grand canyon with the things that i don't know) there isn't much in the way of undercover police work in dead end. this could be a fun dynamic for both the snuff trade , and other types of crime as well.


by definition , snuff films are created for money making purposes. perhaps your reasons for distributing death are just that simple. i certainly don't begrudge anyone who kills in the name of a paycheck. however, some of you may have a higher calling. perhaps you're answering the call of the deity you worship, and the films you make serve as a demonstration of that deity's power. Maybe its time for all of those who bullied you and chipped away at your dignity every day in high school to pay, and filming their deaths and showing the world is your way of taking your power back.

regardless of why you do it, every good story involving a killer needs a grand design. whether you're organized , and spend months plotting and scheming about your nefarious deeds or you're disorganized and kill impulsively without any sort of preparation your story should be headed somewhere.

sometimes killers just fade into the horizon never to be seen again after making the statement they wanted to make. some killers gradually unravel mentally, and meet their end in a hail of bullets after charging a squad of police while naked , covered in blood , and wielding a butcher knife. others want to get caught, and string authorities along with clues that bring them closer and closer until climax is reached. every good killer needs direction, even if its random and chaotic.


after reading back over this i suppose parts of it read a bit like a "how to" instructional guide. regardless, the point of all this is to provide those interested with information on what im doing, and also to suggest ways that others can get involved separately by naming a few roles and giving examples of how they'd work. for me , this rp will be taking place over an extended period of time. i'll need people to fill various roles , and would prefer to use people from dead end to make my films. i'll post here as the need arises.

August 25, 2015 at 7:04 pm
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August 25, 2015 at 8:39 pm
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jaylah sass


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August 25, 2015 at 10:41 pm
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Chanda Feiri


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August 26, 2015 at 8:06 am
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August 26, 2015 at 10:15 am
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Syreni Barony


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August 27, 2015 at 4:57 am
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