The Rape Drug!

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I would like to thank Kara and Tarra for coming with, and putting this plot together. If you have any ideas for sim plots, please get ahold of me or one of the other Story Weavers! Thanks!

Brief Synopsis:

A new drug manufactured that has serious side effects. After its effects are learned by things happening on the streets of DE. It will be pulled and shipped off to be destroyed. The truck will be destroyed and the vapors from the drug will be spread threw town.

The Drug: It effects men and women and transsexuals. It comes in pill, liquid and inhaler forms

Men: sex drive becomes uncontrollable, amount of precum and cum that is produced increased dramatically. To the point things get very messy, from the sheer volume of cum. After ejeculation, erection remains as does the sex drive. Drug is also very addictive. The cum will have the same effect on men as women as well.

Women: Precum from males induces orgasm. Cum itself taste sweet, similar to cotton candy. The orgasms are incrediably intense. The cum itself puts a you in a euphoric state, reducing your inhabitions and making you crave more. The drug is as addictive to women as it is to men.

Main needs to make this really pop:
Lots of newspaper coverage to help create the panic.
Males willing to do alot of raping ( tough job)
PD making sure rapists are cut loose so they can continue spreading fear and cum
Business's willing to help pass out the drug as enhancements
Victims reporting the rapes.

August 19, 2016 at 6:32 am
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