The Order

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of brendan Anonymous 13 years, 10 months ago.

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Profile photo of katey-haystack



Ok I know this is belongs in the group proposel forum but I would like some feed back on my idea and also to gage interest in it before I put the application in
Sooo Here it is


formed at the height of the Inquisition to hut the worst the hertics they are only known as the ORDER,, They live among us. not a preist or a nun, they might be your neighbour , barber, policeman the stripper down at your local bar, but they are all driven by the same purpose ,, to ensure that order is maintained for the 'Greater Good" They use a book called "The Word"to guide them. some say it's a lost Gosple or it's one of the Dead Sea scrolls , but they follow it religously, they work alone,, there identies only known by their Cell Leader,, they wear dark robes when they meet in place simply called the Libary where they recieve instructions and share information. They are Methodical relentless and patient, so beware all yee Heritics and Deviants,, The ORDER is watching

OOC stuff
I want a group that isn't a vigilanty group persay,, they won't go out and hunt down every badguy they see , they are given a mission and they specifally go after that target.

I want somthing to counter the cults in DE, that in itself might be concidered a cult, a secret society like the Free Masons it won't be a big group, with specific rules on role play conduct, and what it can and cannot do.
I don't want it to strangle other factions role play so it will sit in the background,, only coming out when wanted, I want to have strong dialog amost the faction leader to ensure everyone has fun eventually and hopefully be a kind of guardian angle that will by just being there make perves think twice and get more imaginative in ther role play .

I think this Idea can work,, let me know what you think Dead Enders ๐Ÿ˜€

April 16, 2011 at 11:27 pm
Profile photo of angel112



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April 17, 2011 at 12:58 am
Profile photo of myth



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April 18, 2011 at 2:54 am
Profile photo of brendan



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April 30, 2011 at 10:24 am
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