the monster that is vincent vesios (my alt)

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vincent 'wildfire' vesios was a black ops agent for the USA for many years. most of his dealings were off the records but it is rumored he has been involved in conflicts all over the world. he was honorable discharged and went back to a normal life but had a problem ajusting. one day his sister was almost raped and something in him snaped. from that day on he worked as a rather violent Vigilante. he was in japan helping the relief effort (and killing yakuza in the chaos) when he got a letter from his sister telling him about a city he should look into. a few days later he was on a plane to dead end city....

Name: vincent 'wildfire' vesios

Age: 24

Prefernce: straight

patrents :killed in a car crash. the person who hit them was high. for this reason he always treats drug dealers 'special'....
sister: kaida ireto

Education: collage level. also has military training (combat, survival ect ect)

Criminal Record: many assaults and more murders.....

Likes/Dislikes: loves a good drink and a good brawl. hates when his sister gets in trouble

General Appearance: gothic. pale skin, red hair, missing left eye, scar down the middle of his face. varios other scars all over body

Moral/Immoral Code: he's a heartless monster when it comes to criminals but he will do anything for his friends

General(Predominate) Emotional State: normaly calm and relaxed. can 'turn off' his emotions sometimes causing him to seem cold....

Fears/Phobias: always worried something will happen to his sister

Reaction to Threat: will most offten respond to being threatened by drawing a weapon.

One line that best describes your character "what better way to kill a monster...then to send a bigger monster?"

this man is a heartless monster.

he will show that to the criminals he runs into. rapest and drug dealers will see the worst. he has a one track mind somedays and can be hard to deal with. he has a high pain tolarance so he can handle a lot before it becomes too much. he offten smokes but thanks to his sister bugging him he has quit and now smokes herbal cigarettes like her. loyalty is key for him. he will never betray his friends. he would rather die and is willing to do so to remain loyal.

March 18, 2011 at 12:41 am
Profile photo of anja-ashbourne



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March 29, 2011 at 6:18 pm
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