The Ling-Chi timeline

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Profile photo of imported_ming-yheng



976 BC: During the 12th year of King Mu's reign, in a small settlement deep in China, dwellers are forced to adapt the beliefs of a wandering priest who visited the village. The ones who refused were taken away, never to be seen anymore.

250 BC: The Qin Dynasty ruled over China but the Wu-Fei area, in which the settlement Yheng was located, was never visited by the ruler's army. It developed on it's own without any significant interfering from outside.

602 AC: During the reign of the Sui dynasty the dwellers in Yheng started to stir and the religion of the Great Elder Ones was spread to a more bigger area.

1031 AC: During the Liao dynasty the cultish followers of the Yhengs, now known as the Ling-Chi were defeated by Emperor Xingzong and fled their homelands, spreading themselves over China.

1832 AC: After centuries of laying low, the Ling-Chi started to profile themselves again and to fund themselves they played a big role in the famous Opium Wars.

1910 AC: During the Wuchang uprising the Ling-Chi, now a wealthy underground cult, moved it's base to Hong Kong.

1989: Ming Yheng and Jun-Shan Yheng were born, daughters of Xiaoliang Chiung and Ilyana Breil, living in a small town in mainland China, not far from Hong Kong. They were the seventh and eight child of the pair.

2002: After the divorce of Xiaoliang and Ilyana, the latter leaving for her homeland Colombia, Ming was called to come to Hong Kong to work for her father, the leader of the Ling-Chi and the Second in charge of the largest Triad in Hong Kong. Jun-Shan was sent to London to study law.

2006: During the final martial arts exam of Ming's closest friend and herself, Ming accidently killed her friend during the showfight. Ming dipped into a depressive state and as a result changed into a merciless torturer and assassin, in service of the Ling-Chi.

2009: Ming was sent by her father to Deadend to spread the Ling-Chi's word and to establish a new stronghold in the west for the Triad's drug trade.

2010: Ming met her mother in Deadend, who arrived there after having left Colombia again. Her mother, Ilyana, joined the Deadend police force and was an outstanding detective, althoug she always protected her child from whom she knew she was there for not so legal 'business ventures'
Not long after the reunion of Ming and her mother, Ming found the body of Ilyana under her bedroom's window , murdered while on duty. This fact made Ming even more vicious but also more confused and she started to behave erratically.

2011: Ming met a girl called Jane Harrison, a sociopathic serial killer, feared in the city of Deadend. The two married and Jane managed to make Ming focus more on the Ling-Chi, the two spread terror over the city. After a few months of ruthless torturing and killing of every whore they could find, Jane collapsed into a state of pure madness and Ming brought her to Europe to have her treated for her mental illness. Jane was never to be seen again which made Ming turn into a raging snake.

mid 2011: After Jane's disappearing, Ming closed her little teahouse, the base of the Ling-Chi in Deadend, and retreated to her own house somewhere in Louisiana to rethink about her life. Ming's father travelled to the US and convinced Ming to keep spreading the Ling-Chi's word and return to Deadend.

jan 2012: Ming returned to Deadend and started plotting, living a hidden life in a small appartment near the Chinese District in Deadend. Jun-Shan, now a licensed judge, came to Deadend too to join her sister and back her when it comes to legal matters, she also convinced Ming to join the Police as a CSU laboratory worker so she would be able to tamper with evidence which pointed to herself.
Ming met Bean, a girl who lives without worries and is always happy. She changed Ming's attitude again and pushed life back into her. Ming joined the police and worked her way up to the rank of Sergeant, secretly plotting ways to keep Deadend in the grip of the Ling-Chi.

Feb 2012: Ming received word that Bean was a target for a man named Bill. Bean left her job in the Red Herring to stay away from the man and Ming took her in to protect the girl from being harmed. Ming's younger sister, Ai returns to Deadend and works as a waitress in Ming's new Teahouse in the Asian district. Mei, another sister of Ming also came to Deadend to help Ming with her 'business'. Ming meets a girl named Harumi in the Red Herring and instantly develops a liking for her.

March 2012: Ming hears about Mind9Light, a cult in Deadend and received word that the man named Bill is one of the members. Ming vows to eliminate Mind9Light. One of Ming's brothers, on vacation in the US , travels to Deadend to meet his sisters, he decides to stay. Mika, Ming's 3rd sister also arrives in Deadend, sent by their father to aid Ming in her...'ventures'

April 2012: Ming gets more and more involved in the war against Mind9Light as a police officer. She kills one of their members by piercing her throat with one of her stiletto heels as she was confronted with her during an attack on Bean and Pagan. Bean moves in with Ming. Syn, a friend of Ming, asks her to take care of a Japanese girl, named Suki, ming takes her in.

May 2012: Rigor becomes Suki's fiancee and accepts Ming's condition that has to be loyal to the family, which will include the the ways of the Ling-Chi. Ming decides to wait with telling what the Ling-Chi stands for.
Ming adopts Suki and Bean as her legal daughters and plans to adopt Bean's brother, Pagan, too.
Ming meets Althea Blunt after having given Harumi, Althea's daughter, permission to use her Teahouse for a Japanese tea ceremony in honor of Harumi's wedding. Althea and Ming are attracted to eachother from the first time they see eachother.
Ming convinces Charles Blunt, Althea's husband and father of Harumi, that Ming needs to protect Althea and Harumi when they are in Deadend. The actual reason is that Ming wants to be close to Althea when she is in town. Charles buys Ming's deceiving story and leaves for home again. Ming also wants to use Althea to infiltrate in Mind9Light to pull Harumi and Althea out of that cult and eventually take over Mind9Light to have it merge with the Ling-Chi with the ultimate goal of, once having built a trusting relationship, destroying everything Mind9Light stands for.

(from here on I will just number the timeline events, omitting the dates)

1. Althea visited the Teahouse, expressing some concerns about Ming's loyalty. Ming assured her that she and the Ling-Chi will do anything to protect her and Harumi from harm. Ming talked with Shade about a plan to lure Jack into an arrest-trap, Ming made Shade promise she won't touch Althea and Harumi.
Althea went with Ming to Ming's private estate to discuss things in more detail about their relation and other private situations. Althea asked Ming to take care of a man named Steve Bartel who is apparently harassing her daughter, Ming promised that she will send the Ling-Chi after him to make some thing 'clear' to him.

2. Ming met the daughter of an old friend who came back to Deadend, Kaseeta. Kaseeta agreed to be an informant, Ming gave her some names of people she should exctract information from. Kaseeta turned out to be a professional information extractor and came back with some very interesting information, she will likely be recruited in the Ling-Chi soon.

3. Ming's daughter Suki is missing, presumably kidnapped. Ming is gathering the Ling-Chi members to find her and have the one who has her daughter suffer from the Ling-Chi's wrath.

4. After 3 days of suffering after having been stabbed in the back multiple times, Ming shifted the Ling-Chi a notch higher. An ancient Ling-Chi tradition, not used in at least 150 years was re-instated, the Mask of Death.....a whitechalked layer covering the face of the Ling-Chi followers. Simply said, when the a certain ritual has been performed bt the Leader it is allowed to wear this mask when on a 'mission' and the followers are allowed to kill without consent from the Leader. The 'Torture Wars' have begun.

5. Suki's kidnapper has been caught by Rigor, Mei and Ming and transported to a compound in Dead Drop in order to extract information about Suki's whereabouts.
Althea visited Ming again, Ming managed to convince Althea to help her get into Mind9Light. Ming is planning to eat M9L from the inside out, just like a parasite living in it's host's body and eating it alive.
Ming , while being at her own house, heard a call over the DEPD radio that Oniedah, a girl Ming has a love/hate relationship with, is kidnapped by M9L. Ming vows to get the girl out of their claws to fullfill a debt she owes Oniedah.

May 27, 2012 at 5:27 am
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May 27, 2012 at 6:24 am
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June 1, 2012 at 8:59 pm
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