The Historian: Episode 3: Be Face Lady's Victim!

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion The Historian: Episode 3: Be Face Lady's Victim!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Princess Yheng (princess Minnelli) princess minnelli 8 years, 8 months ago.

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Profile photo of Princess Yheng (princess Minnelli)

princess minnelli


This is part of The Historian SIM plot. To engage in this plot, you can:
-Participate in the upcoming protest event (check the calendar for schedule)
-Reply to the forum thread seeking victims. This one, right here. ๐Ÿ™‚
-Sow tall tales about Face Lady to spread the fear! Make up whatever you want and get that rumor mill going.
-RP hunting, or hiding from, The Face Lady.
-Keep your eye on the DE Daily for articles related to the story arc.
-Capitalize on the fear of Face Lady! For example, tell people the police have shut down a street to investigate a possible sighting, then use that to stage an ambush. Get creative!
- Contact the author(s): Princess Yheng (princess.minnelli) while they are online to arrange RP or ask questions. You can also leave a message via notecard in the hospital mail box.

That's right! The Historian continues with episode 3... no, you didn't miss episode 2 we just had to jumble things around a bit.

Episode 3 departs from telling the story of the SIM in order to tell the story of a fixture of the SIM. This story will focus on telling the bloody history of the hospital and opens the door for more business/fixture specific tales to come.

Our story focuses on a serial killer who was housed in the Dead End Asylum until the recent shutdown forced her to be moved. The Face Lady has some scores to settle in Dead end, so she is returning to stalk our streets!

If you'd like to see if we can arrange your victimization please post here. Include your in-world name and limits. I would love to be able to kill at least one played character, but that is not a requirement.

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