The DEPD Charter

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A re-introduction of the old charter i created for the DEPD in my first incarnation running it. Me and Eph have talked this over and both agreed to it's content.

It basically sets out the DEPD's aim, theme and some specific rules regarding the conduct of officers both IC'l and OOC'ly, the DEPD is perhaps one of the most precariously positioned factions in DE and i hope this will go a long way to clearing up it's actual role and power in the sim.

So here it is:

DEPD's Role:

Dead End is a Kidnap Roleplay sim. Designed, built and run from the very beginning to be a place for people to live out their sexual and BDSM fantasies. With this in mind it is important to remember that the DEPD must fit into the context of this, yet remain to look like a realistic force to enhance the atmosphere within DE. With this in mind the DEPD should, OOC'ly, be considered nothing more than an 'official gang'. DEPD Officers should only consider the DEPD as a 'hook' for their RP, an engine to live out their fantasies and NOT as a group in which to realistcally portray a police officer in every sense of the RL version. NO ONE wants the kidnappers and bad guys of the sim to be chased off or locked up in Jail. The DEPD should be and is there to add more bad guys and victims to the sim, it is upto the individual to choose their own path but they must abide by the rules and guidelines set out here AND the SIMs general rules and terms of service. The DEPD should ultimatley be seen IC'ly as two things, both incompetent and corrupted. Within this however there is also the chance for the DEPD to do some 'good'. It is after all the perfect group with which to bring some RPs to a close, this is when police officers can take action and bring criminals to 'Justice'. The DEPD in no way has OOC admin powers in the SIM. They police IC'ly and as such should follow the same procedures for asking for a member of the security team if there is a breach of the sim rules.

DEPD Rules:

All players in the DEPD must abide by the following rules IN ADDITION to the rules set out for the rest of the sim, reading and understanding of these rules is required, ignorance is not a vaild excuse for breaking them.

# OOC Consent ~ To enter any scene already started or to initiate one you must be given explicit consent OOC'ly beforehand from all parties involved (through IMs). This includes any scene even if someone calls 911/requests you intervene, no action should be taken unless ALL parties agree to your intervention. The exception to this rule is a blatant dis-regard for a law in an open and public place were it would be unrealistic/highly unlikely a crime would take place and go un-noticed/unpunished.

#Roleplaying methods ~ Though we would not want to dictate the style in which you roleplay, certain conventions should be used.

~Post order and construct. All emotes should start with the '/me' command and include an action as well as speech if needed all speech should be in quotes "Example". Post only once, allowing all other players to respond before responding, take the time to think of what you want to say and how your character would react, people won't and should not mind waiting for anything upto five minutes for one post to be complete, just bare in mind that the longer you take the longer the post people will expect.

~ Godmodding/Metagaming are not accepted in this SIM. God modding is the style in which you give no chance for a player to react to your post or posting a players reaction for them {Lucy Morrisey punches Oaf in the face, breaking her nose and knocking her out} Is wrong, a post like that should read {Lucy Morrisey brings her fist back and attempts to hit Oaf, she throws her fist hard, hoping to do some serious damage.} This gives the other player a chance to block or move out of the way but also informs the player how hard you threw the punch and the potential damage you intend to cause. Metagaming is OOC gained information used IC'ly to your advantage, this is not allowed. Examples of this would be hearing of something in IM OOC'ly and then using it in IC as if got that way or hearing a conversation through a wall because you were within chat range but realistcally you'd never hear it.

# Stick to the sim theme ~ If you joined the DEPD to hand out tickets, write citations for littering etc... then this is not the group for you, those mentioned above plus any other police action taken should result in/lead to a scene involving the SIM's KRP theme, players will find it annoying if they are actively taken out of/distracted from the main theme of the RP here.

# Equipment ~ Guns are not allowed on sim, this goes for cops to, though it is not required for you to have the official uniform, a uniform of sorts should be worn if you are a uniformed officer. Only realistic police equipment shoud be used, unless a specifc RP dictates or leads you to something unusual.

#Capture/Arrest play ~ When arresting a suspect you do so not for due process and a realistic court trial. The real reason is to get them into the cells and dish out some rough justice, revenge or retribution... as such, OOC'ly it is considered as a kidnapping, thus, you, as the kidnapper in the scene take responsibillity for the OOC welfare of the victim. Ensure you stay within their RPing limits and never leave a victim/detainee alone for overly long periods of time. Leaving people in the cells to twiddle their thumbs for hours, days or even weeks on end is NOT acceptable, if you cannot complete the scene with them, find another cop who can, if not then you must release them, unless an OOC agreement can be reached.

# Interacting with others breaking SIM TOS ~ If in the course of your RP you find yourself in a scene were the other player(s) is breaking ANY sim rules then it is your responsibillity to not continue that RP with them until the rule breaking has been stopped. If this cannont be resolved then you must call an admin and take no further part in the role play.

These rules are in place to ensure everyone has a fair and fun time in Dead End as well as to keep the level or realism and atomsphere to a high standard. We wish you to enjoy your time in Dead End, have fun!

April 24, 2011 at 11:58 pm
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