The Book of Belial

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Profile photo of Bedlam



Fragment One: In the beginning, the Making of Man and Meat

In the beginning there was nothing but us, the silent nothing was all we the Elohim had besides each other.

For what may have been eons that was enough.

Then through our combined will we brought forth a great light and the worlds unfolded before us.

In time the limitless expanse we created was not enough, we gathered once more in one place, and all places to make life that will have a will of its own like ours is boundless.

From the dirt and earth of the world we chose we made a being in a shape we saw/see as perfect,

We called the new life Man.

We breathed life into him and gave him the will and right to name all the creatures we had filled the garden we made for him.

In time after naming all we gave him, and learning the pleasures they offered to him he came to us, ' Lords on high,' he called to us, 'I do not wish to offend thee... the gifts you have made for me are plenty and please me... but may I ask... for one more?"

Perplexed by his request having thought we considered every pleasure we could, but we knew that there was longing in his heart, one that none of the gifts had filled.

Going before him, in a manor that would not shatter his mind and body,' Speak, Adam ' For this is what he had named himself, ' let us hear your desire.'

Prostrating before us he spoke in reverence to our glory, ' I ask my Lords that you give me one like myself... one that will share my world with me and be my servant and companion.'

Adam fell into a slumber at our will. taking from his flesh a piece of his meat we fashioned it as he requested. in a likeness much like his, we made the Meat and arranged it so that it will please both his body and soul.

And we awoke the Man to show him the creation We made for him, he studied it as he laid before him still lacking the breath of life.

He spoke onto us, "Thank you my Lords this Meat you have fashioned for me is just what I have been wanting, but why dose it not breath?"

And We said unto him, "The Meat we have made for you is nothing with out you, it has no soul of its own, it will share of yours to be whole, it has no life with out you, it is nothing with out you. Breath into its mouth and give it life, for from you all it has will come, and only what you give it will truly be its.

With that he breathed life into the Meat and it awoke, as the first glimpses of awareness came to it we spoke, "You are Meat, Meat is worthless... Meat is made to Serve... only in service dose Meat have worth... Obey Man... give him your all and you will have bliss... "

And it did so and found bliss.

While Man was complete and as close to perfection as could be made , Meat was/is imperfect.
Meat needs Man ... a Master, to be whole, for its soul is fragmented and can only be mended by devoting to its Master.

January 11, 2012 at 3:10 pm
Profile photo of admin



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February 13, 2012 at 5:32 pm
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