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Profile photo of Riley Monroe

cheknov resident


There's a lot of fun RP to be had with NPC Bob of your neighbourhood DEPD - especially through the rant filled and often heated engagements he blunders into with NPC Helga, our friendly German Amazon that scares Satan himself when her feet hit the floor every morning. This is a simply archive thread to post hilarious RPs incorporating NPC Bob for everyone's viewing pleasure.

[''The Food'' Summary: Bob had decided to relieve Rookie Renfold of her food of which she left unattended for only a few minutes, it was a mistake however that'd soon turn poor Bob into a God-Fearing mess]

[07:23] Justine Alestei pushed her way through the door to the station as she'd eye a seemingly new face, ''Morning Rook'' she'd say moving towards the office area to change - ''Fun weekend?'' she idly asked

[07:24] Delphine Renfold makes her way back into the DEPD and sits back down..looking around she notices her box food was gone.raising a brow she turns a bit and notices NPC bob having a bit of yoke from a egg in the corner of his mouth "You didnt.." she mutters to him.. he would shake his head and try to finish chewing the steak and eggs "I left for three minuts! asked you to wat-" she cut off when she seen some one come threw the door she shakes her head "Morning and not really.. Watch your food some one has sticky fingers" she growls glaring at NPC bob.

[07:27] Justine Alestei would laugh as she headed for the lockers - ''I'd let Helga know'' she'd say as Bob would stop chewing for a moment and stare wide-eyed at Delphine, ''That German Amazon doesn't need to know nothin' '' he'd say, a look of fear in his face as he'd chew slower.

[07:29] Delphine Renfold smiles as she hears Justine and looks back to NPC Bob "Oh really?" she smiles fully "Oh Helga!" she calls to the German Amazon, yeah she wanted revenge

[07:31] Justine Alestei was still changing as she'd hear Delphine call out for Helga, Bob would sop eating and quickly shove whatever the food was back in the box and in a frenzied hurry try to lick his fingers clean. The omen of footsteps from the cell block would cease behind Bob, ''Yes Renfold?'' Helga would ask, she'd tower behind Bob as he gulped eying Delphine. He remembered the /last/ time Helga became upset at him, he'd shake his head a little bit and clasp his hands together as if to ask for forgiveness, meanwhile Justine had reemerged from the locker room and leaned on the doorway eying the three.

[07:35] Delphine Renfold looks to Bob as she hears Helga steps "one chance to redeem yourself" she mutters before the girl eyed her "yes. I just wanted to let you know..since Bob here Ate my food by mistake he has offered to Buy everyone that was here breakfast or supper" she says softly some how cringing away from the gulped eyes . god this woman scares her .. seeing as shes a mouse beside the woman..god if she fell..

[07:45] Justine Alestei would grin as she'd remain silent and flash a look at Bob, his eyes would meet hers for a moment but Justine wouldn't lift a hair to help him. A slam of Helga's hand on the desk caused Bob to jump in his chair as the clutter amid the top jiggled with ferocity, the Amazon leaned towards Bob and eyed the box of food and the remains on his face, ''Oh really now?'' she'd say, ''My - that's mighty kind of you Bob'' she'd lean in a bit closer to eye the food he was eating and give a small sniff, a low growl would reverberate from within the woman's bust and throat as if simmering an anger. ''I'm a big woman - I eat alot, I hope that doesn't bother you while you buy us food Bob'' she'd grin, her eyes aflame as Bob turned as white as a ghost, his lip quivered and his voice trembled, fumbling the words, ''No, nope, not at all!'' he said nervously. ''Good, I'll have my list ready here in a few'' she'd say standing back up from the desk, ''I have a chair to remove from a prisoner Renfold, if you need anything just holler'' she'd grin heading back towards the cell-block. Bob would look at Delphine again - still wide-eyed as he let his hands slide from the table to his lap, a silence fell on the room as those foreboding steps disappeared down into the cell-block once more.

[07:53] Delphine Renfold stays silent as she listens to the german woman and smiles wide at NPC Bob "well .. that went well.. I would Like a steak and eggs with a milkshake to keep me going..may want to get Helga's order ready " she giggles a bit now her revenge is almost complete "Oh and i would like the lack of spit in mine please " she looks to Justine eyeing her for a moment wondering if she was going to order anything

[07:56] Barley Alsop woke up from her nap in the conference room, well it was more of just pail old sleep at this point. She made her way down the stairs still half asleep. SHe squeezed past justine and began her hunt for coffee and shit. A friendly nod and wave was thrown towards the rookie.

[07:59] Justine Alestei would laugh at Bob, ''You lard - that's what you get'' she'd grin. ''I'll take some bacon, an english muffin, and some tea'' she'd say eying Alsop, ''Heya Alsop, Bob here is buying everyone breakfast'' she'd say, Bob was still white though he had now closed the box that was Renfold's food and slid it over the table, standing up he'd take a breathe, it was more of a gasp as if he had held it the entire time with Helga upstairs. ''Alright ladies...'' he'd tremble, ''You win...'' he'd say, ''I'm not hungry anymore...'' he followed looking down at the box, his stomach twisted and churned, he almost felt sick. ''What do you want...?'' he asked with a withdrawn and defeated look on his face

September 6, 2014 at 7:09 am
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