Sticked N Stoned being Cleaned

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of United Actor united actor 11 years, 10 months ago.

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united actor


Arnold knocks on the door of the abandoned Tea House, noticing that the door isn't locked. Curiously he steps inside to have a better look at the place. Inside he finds some cobwebs, unclean and unhealthy pillows and even a cash register that has been broken open to collect the money.

Noticing a broomstick at the end of the place, he walks to it and starts to clean the place up a little. "Who could even work here, with all this dust and other mess" he wonders as he hits a carpet while sweeping. It makes a strange sound "cloing" when he goes over it with the broomstick.

He pulls the carpet away, only to notice some loose boards in the floor. "Interesting, what could be under this" as he lifts the broken boards, finding a secret hatch. He gives a good thug on it as it reveals a walkway. Walking down the stairs, making sure he doesn't slide down as he looks around. "Hmm, didn't I have a light on my carkeys" as he presses the button, looking for some kind of switch to turn on lights down there. Gently feeling over the wall, he feels what he thinks might be a switch and clicks it.

"Hmm, interesting ..." as he goes through some of the stuff he sees on the ground. "So, the Tea House is more then just the tea" he grins, looking at the curtains and the red lights.

Eagerly walks up the stairs again, boarding the hole up with the boards as he grins "Well, this seems like a good spot for me, quiet place, no customers and a secret place to have meetings with my own customers" He looks around, checks the door locks as he sits down with a cup of Ceylon tea

May 7, 2013 at 6:31 pm
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